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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Hyrule Historia is for sale again!

But only from the publisher's site as far as I can tell. It's not for sale on unless you buy it from an individual seller, so this may just be a box of books they had shipped back from them from somewhere. I doubt the publisher ships to individuals internationally: but a Japanese proxy, or a bookstore like Kinokuniya, might be able to order this for you. (Call the latter during business hours, it's faster than email. The ones in big cities may also be more of a sure thing than the smaller area locations.) A brick-and-mortar bookstore may not charge international shipping fees either, only in country shipping if you can't pick it up. I use to buy a lot of things that way, (especially when I lived in NYC) it really was a solid and safe way to purchase. Not to mention cheaper than all the other options.

Here's the link to purchase the book on the publisher's site:

Also, I should be giving a few copies of this away in a fanart contest soon. I hope :) Check out my last post for info on that.

And join this Facebook group if you haven't! "Please bring us Hyrule Historia in English" Nearly 6,000 of us already agree, we want it in English! But we need more people~ The more people, the more likely they'll hear us and do it!

I'm back... again *heh*

Hey guys!
Sorry for the February absence, I had some health matters to attend to. Then I got sick, so I was only able to get back on the computer today. Back on track now though! I have a ton of email to answer, and I'll be updating with new English and Spanish versions of manga and doujinshi over the next few days thanks to the hard workign contributor's out there~ Then I'll be adding more official art to our temporary gallery over on flickr. In the meantime, check out what's there now:

Fanart Contest:
I also still want to do the fanart calendar contest this year, for a 2013 calendar, but I have to make sure I have the energy (and money) for it. Last years was a huge hit. The main calendar was downloaded by over 1000 people before megaupload went down. The customizable calendar didn't have a tracker on it, but that page was accessed a lot, so I'm assuming the number for it was very high as well.

I started discussing the theme for it here though- so if you want to do the idea even without knowing if it's "officially on" yet, you can! It would still be awesome to play around with, it should go well with all the timeline excitement:

One of the other hold-ups is I'm making sure the prizes I had already ordered got here. That will be a huge determing factor. Basically, my hope is that 4 copies of Hyrule Historia will be showing up as prizes for this contest in the next few days. :)

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Every Piece of Hyrule Historia Concept Art in High-Res

I just finished cropping and cleaning the Spirit Tracks art, which means that I'm finally done with this art! I don't need to tell you it's awesome, go here to view all the sets. It's all close to 600 dpi and from completely flat images.

Again, if you clean any of the images, (so they have transparent backgrounds,) or if you just make anything fun with these images, please send them to me so I can share them with others on the site! I also always appreciate credit going to if you add these as-is to another site, tumblr, or gallery. Thanks guys! I'll have more art, from a ton of other things, to add later!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

All the High-Res Twilight Princess Concept Art from Hyrule Historia

All the concept art for Twilight Princess from Hyrule Historia has been added now: slightly cleaned up and everything is  close to 600dpi from flat scans. Head over to our Flickr gallery to check it out. You'll also find the other art from the publication there. All that is left to do is Spirit Tracks! I'll get started right away. Once I'm done with that I have a chapter or two of manga to edit, and then I'll be adding more official art from other sources. Just so you know, the flickr gallery is where I'm uploading everything I have until I have time to build the official art gallery on the main site.

Oh! And if you clean any of the images, (so they have transparent backgrounds,) or if you just make anything fun with these images, please send them to me so I can share them with others on the site! I also always appreciate credit going to if you add these as-is to another site, tumblr, or gallery. Thanks guys! Off I go to work some more.

I'm back~! Let the art parade begin

Sorry, I had to be elsewhere for a few days, but now I'm back and am adding more high-res official art to the flickr gallery collection, before I start adding it to the main site. I'll finish up with the near 600dpi art from Hyrule Historia and the Zelda Box made from flat scans, and then I'll move on to other publications and art!


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Cagiva Link to the Past manga continued in English!

First, a note: If you could help with translating into other languages, or would like to help translate doujinshi from Japanese to English, please contact me!

Knights of Hyrule is also looking for Spanish and French translators to help get Hyrule Historia from English into these other languages~ If you could help them with that, you'd be making a lot of fans very happy!

Okay~ on to the Link to the Past manga by Ataru Cagiva. Some of you have been waiting years for this. Well... we may take a while, but we never give up! Chapter 1 of Volume 2 is finished, and the rest are on the way. There's a lot of people to thank for this happening: Mariam, Beno, Cavalier, JayEye, Fox Lee, Michi and myself all worked on it. Beno also made all these awesome "English" covers that you see below. (Don't worry, the Japanese versions still use the Japanese covers) So, continue on... to finally continue on!

This has been in English for years. It was one of the first Zelda manga ever on the web, and one of the first translated thanks to Beno. He's back with us and we're going to update all of the volumes of this Link to the Past series! This one will be redone after the others are completed.

After years of waiting, the first chapter is now in English with more to come shortly! Feri-san is translating it into Spanish, and another friend is translating it into German. :)

This is currently only in Japanese, but it is actually fully translated, as in: we have the English script for it. We just have to work through volume 2 before we get to the localization and editing for it.

This has been translated for years. Though... I was an awful editor 10 years ago so I'm actually in the process of redoing the text I originally did so it will look much nicer than it has. Malu CLBS is also in the process of translating and editing this into Spanish!

This has been translated for years, and Beno did a great job on it. Malu CLBS is translating and editing this into Spanish as well!

If you'd like to see what other translated works we have on the site, you can sort by language: Head here for Manga, here for Doujinshi, and check the rest of the publication sections out for all the other rare and amazing content.