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Sunday, September 30, 2012

"Malon Greets Link" A New Image from The Zelda Project's Photoshoot

There's another incredibly stunning image from The Zelda Project and their Lon Lon Ranch photoshot! This one is so charming! Malon and Link, EPONA! they're just perfect. Head over to their site! See the larger image and learn more about it!

She saw him approach the gates to the ranch out of the corner of her eye. Feeling a burst of excitement, Malon gathered her skirts and ran to greet the hero and her beloved Epona. "Welcome back, Fairy Boy!" As if prompted, Navi popped out of his hat, fluttering towards her to say hello.

Slowed Down Again, but Still Running!

So, I'm back to working on stuff for the site, but the day the new Himekawa manga "came out" and was translated by Zeldanime, I had a bit of an emergency with one of my pets. She almost bled to death and was barely saved by the emergency vet. I've had to spend the last few days with her, checking on her almost non-stop, to make sure her beak injury didn't re-open and start bleeding again. Which at least has been an enjoyable task, because it's fun to hang with her- but it explains the slowdown in replying about the contest and posting the new entries. Let alone getting more translations posted.

I also have a surgery (unrelated to my arm) at the end of this week, on the 5th, so I don't know how soon I'll be back after that.

So, I'll still be doing stuff for the site and replying, I just wanted to let people know what any delays might be about.

Don't forget though! New participation prize :3 Get your entries in by the end of October at a chance to win this one! Contest info can be found here.

Also, head over to our Tumblr if you enjoy fanart, and join us on Facebook for even more fun updates.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

The New Manga Has Been Translated!

Zeldanime has been amazing! They got this done so quickly! They have it on their page here.

Right now they're hosting it on RapidShare. So, a few tips! Sometimes you have to click the download button (the green one, in the center of the page) twice before it will begin. It also downloads very slowly, so make sure you wait until it is completely done before you try to open the file or you will think something is wrong with the file..

New OoT Himekawa Comic (Updates)

Update: Zeldanime got one page translated, I don't know if they need more translation help but, if you can translate Chinese, it might not hurt to contact them. (or on Facebook

Update 2! They're definitely translating the rest! Should be in English before long :) Follow them, I'm going to be out for a while.

Okay! I'm on a real computer now, let's post about this bit of awesomeness.
Thanks Feri-san, who found this before anyone else! And Mases for the extra info!

So, this Akira Himekawa manga was possibly commissioned for the Hong Kong release of Ocarina of Time 3D. It's 15 pages long, (16 with the intro page,) in Chinese (Han, if you wish to translate it) and you can find the pdf on Nintendo's official site

It's not their best work, but there are some amazing pictures in it of all the main characters.
Pages below! Click to enlarge!

(Edit: Sorry, they were originally posted out of order. The new blogger admin panel is weird and, even though I tried to fix it in the html, the changes wouldn't take. So I had to redo it by hand to get them in the right order)

Akira Himekawa's original blog post about it:

2012.09.28 Friday
Posted by seisakuhime




--Google Translate--
Taiwan, Hong Kong will be released for 3DS "Ocarina of Time" The Legend of Zelda.
In Asia, it is likely that it the first time.

I was produced in August from July in response to the request of the person's Nintendo PR that cartoon.
I'm really relieved in time but somehow it was sudden.

Thank you on Twitter for more information.

The blog is written now look at the time was the work of a breather.
Sorry! ! ! > <


PR This comic was direct request from Mr. Nintendo. This is the first manga that is not affected by such magazines for men or for women cartoon children, in the magazine. Ocarina of Time for the first time in 13 years what drew. Heated battle! 

It is said that the first time you "Ocarina of Time" is is being launched in Asia. 
【告知】台湾、香港での3DS「ゼルダの伝説/時のオカリナ」発売のPRで「オカリナ」の新作漫画をカラーで15ページ描き下ろしました。エポナの右の台湾香港新作漫画のバナーをクリック。PR用の無料配布冊子にも収録されます。  ネームは中国語です!

Was drawn in color on page 15 of the new cartoon "ocarina" in PR release of "Ocarina of Time / The Legend of Zelda" 3DS [notice] Taiwan, in Hong Kong. Click on the banner to the right of Taiwan, Hong Kong, New cartoon Epona. Are also included in the booklet for free distribution of PR. http://www. Nintendo.Tw / zelda / # /  Name is Chinese!

I haven't been able to view this yet, but Feri-san sent it to me so I trust it. Apparently there is a "new" short comic Akira Himekawa did, for the release of OoT3D, at this link:

Thursday, September 20, 2012

New Participation Prize Announced!

Alright! I'm announcing another participation prize for the contest! It's the same as the last one I did, but the deadline for it is Midnight, October 31, 2012: a month before the contest really ends. Be sure to read all about the contest first (and its rules and guidelines.)

This is a prize given out to someone just for participating in the Zelda fanart calendar contest. Simply finish and send a valid entry in by midnight, Wednesday, October 31, 2012 for chance to win one of these 3 prizes. There will be only one person selected for this but they get to pick which they want: (a) A pre-order for a copy of the English language Hyrule Historia, a (b) 12 month DeviantART subscription, or (c) a Link plusie and Ocarina.

New Lon Lon Ranch Photo Released!

Malon in the Pasture
"They say that Malon of Lon Lon Ranch hopes that a knight in shining armor will come and sweep her off her feet someday..."

The Zelda Project has released a new photo from their Lon Lon Ranch photoshoot! These always blow me away. Head on over and check out their full site!

Prize Update

Hey guys, I have an update on the prizes!
So, Fenrisfang was donating a really high quality ocarina as one of the prizes. That hasn't changed, but she's actually willing to part with an even better one that seems even more fitting -so the old one is being switched for this new one! Normally I would never change what's being offered, just incase I'd inadvertently remove something that someone was entering for a chance at, but I think you'll see why I'm making the exception. Being able to offer this new one is mind blowing cool to me! She's amazing! ♥

Here's the new prize!
(More info on the contest can be found here)

It's a 12-hole Alto Ocarina, it has more of a range and is bigger than the old prize. It's also green with a Triforce on it, (almost like the Ocarina of Time!) and has a nifty little pouch to protect it. I'm also going to look at purchaing a Zelda Music book from Songbird to offer with this... (If they have a 12 hole one.)

In other prize news: A while back I tried to pre-order 3 Skywayrd Sword Link figurines, the really nice ones from Figma:

I do not normally like to announce prizes until they're in my hands but, these don't come out until October and I've never used the shop before. I'm simply wary about them arriving. So, IF they arrive, 2 of them will be prizes. If the pre-order is canceled because the orders can't be filled- I'll be looking for other awesome things to fill the slots. I only bring this up because a few people have asked me about these as prizes  ;p To reiterate: To offer 2 of these as prizes IS in the plans, but they can not be guaranteed at this point.

Monday, September 17, 2012

New Contest Entries and the Participation Prize!

I added the new entries that came in this weekend! They're beautiful! Check them out~

If you haven't heard about the contest yet, or would like to join us in this collaborative event to make a free, downloadable, Zelda calendar for next year; please see this info thread! It has everything you should need to know.

And here are the current participants and their lottery numbers for September 16th's "Participation Prize:"
  1. Linksliltri4ce
  2. Paper-Plate
  3. Robson B
  4. Drisana Rodriguez-Martin
  5. Hina-ichigo
  6. Ebillan
  7. Poly
  8. Mizueyes777
  9. Bookwormtiff
  10. Val Toukatly
  11. KingdomTwilightXIII
  12. Christian H.
  13. Ryttu3k
  14. Doudet
  15. SYChunsa
  16. Kylias Darkheart
  17. Erika P.
  18. Kyle L.
  19. mrpretzel
  20. Gakoru
  21. Elizabeth R.
  22. Clara B.
  23. Karlen T.
  24. Cojirou
  25. Ashleigh
  26. Julieta
  27. Gimme
  28. Breana Melvin
  29. Kreus
  30. Miniktty
  31. ApplejackMan
  32. Link24656
  33. Ryuupix
  34. Kyasarin Mire
  35. Jujulica
  36. Karnella
  37. Lisa H.
  38. Kudaku
  39. Fainttos
  40. Song C.
  41. BunBun
  42. Carolyn D.
  43. StardustFawkes
Removed from Participation Prizes Because They Won One (still eligiable for one of the 12 calendar spots though):
  1. Waffletea
Out due to art issue, at least until reply is received: (Please email me back)
  1. Leah
  2. Crystal M.
So, here goes the lottery drawing for the prize!

BAM. Ebillan it is! Congrats~ I'll be writing you soon to see what you want♥ And good luck to everyone else for next time because:

I also want to announce that, before the contest is over, I'll be doing yet another participation prize XD It will probably be the same as this round's, but I want to make sure about that (and the deadline) before I make a formal post about it. So get your entries in! & Yes: This means there will be at least 2 more prizes given just for participating (because I do one at the very end, after the finalists have been selected)

More 4 Koma Translations!

Okay, so these all haven't been scanlated: but for reasons yet named, I had to go through and find which panels we already had translations for that aren't yet posted on the "Main Site." Go here to see them all.

Many of these translations originate from the old site, ie: sometime back in 2002-2004. And I also realized that I'm missing some of the ones from Annie's old site, Zelda no Densetsu, and from TML's old site, The Grand Adventures. Does anyone still have these saved somewhere?

Alright! With that out of the way, I'm about to get back to updating with the new contest entries: and then I'll do the lottery drawing to see who won the participation prize! Can't wait!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Participation Prize Deadline TONIGHT~!

Just a reminder that if you want to qualify for this round's prize for participating, finish your entry and email it before the end of tonight! (Sept 16, 2012.) I'm off to reply to the most current emails so, if you've sent one in, and haven't heard from me soon: email me at the contest email again.

If you haven't heard about the contest yet, or would like to join us in this collaborative event to make a free, downloadable, Zelda calendar for next year, please see this info thread! It has everything you should need to know.

The Arrival of Demise by Ebillan
'When the gods of old left the world they created, they trusted their ultimate power, the Triforce, to the hands of Hylia so that she could protect it. She did so throughout the Era of the Goddess Hylia until one day a crack opened up in the earth and the Demon King Demise and his demonic hordes came forth from the fissure...
In order to prevent the great power from falling into the hands of Demise, Hylia gathered the humans and sent them skyward with the Triforce, beyond the reach of evil forces wrecking havoc upon the surface world.'

Friday, September 14, 2012

Contest Update!

Contest Entry: The Rebirth of Ganondorf by Jujulica

All the new entries for the fanart calendar contest have been added to the gallery! If you don't see yours there, please email me and resend. There were some amazing ones... but!

We need more entries, there were only 10 sent in the past 2 months. Please join us to help make an amazing (free) calendar for all fans! Also, prizes! You can win stuff! I'll be adding more prizes soon and a participation prize is going to be given away to someone who has a valid entry in by this Sunday (the 16th) --but the real contest doesn't end until the end of November! More info here.

Also, if you missed my past note on this: I've been fairly ill lately so I'm pretty much only going to be able to focus on the contest and not a lot of the other stuff I wanted to get done. Hopefully I'll be able to fit other little things in as well, but I have to take it day by day. Replies will basically be slightly slower.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Zelda Project: Lon Lon Ranch and Hyrule Field Shot

The Zelda Project has begun to release their Lon Lon Ranch and Hyrule Field photos. The first one is already beyond amazing, ~be sure to keep an eye on their site for more! You'll also be able to find them on Adella's DA account, here's the link to this one over there.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Doujinshi: New Spanish and French translations added!

Finally! I'm so happy to be able to post these. Clyde1914 was kind enough to come along and help me out by typesetting these ~because the translations had been sitting around for far too long!

French: Let's Sparta was originally translated from Japanese to English by Rinael, and then translated into French by Mamandine. I cleaned the pages, and Clyde1914 edited in the text for this version.

Spanish: Mori no Sasayaki was originally translated from Japanese to English by Rinael, and then translated into Spanish by Nintendraw. Feri-san did the localization and helped the translation as well. I cleaned the pages, and Clyde1914 edited in the text for this version.

Hope you enjoy! And, if you don't follow us on Facebook and Tumblr, please do! I often update Facebook far more than I do here. I also noted there that I've been getting sick on and off- (I think it's a mix of my thyroid acting up and my dog being gone, I was probably only "up" for about 6 hours this whole weekend) -So, apologies for the prolonged absence and the lack of replies from me. Everyone is incredibly understanding, I just wanted to let people know I am here, and am slowly chipping away at them. (But don't be afraid to ask if I got your letter! Sometimes the spam box grabs them and eats them)

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Calendar Contest Fanart Feature

Last year's calendar contest winner for this month of September! Perfect for the changing seasons. And a reminder that this year's contest is still going on! A prize will be given away soon (below) if you have an entry in. For info on this years contest/collab, to create a free, downloadable, calendar for 2013, find go here for more info.

Artist: Kaos, "Deku Autumn Festival"

It's the Deku family (and monkey) from Majora's Mask celebrating the coming of autumn. I started my entry back in February, but couldn't think of a composition I liked for the longest time, so I kept starting and scrapping my entry. I finally forced myself to get it done and not half-ass it this past month. Considering how much I struggled with this, I'm quite happy with how it turned out.

More contest entries from last year, and the full 2012calendar, go here.