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Friday, May 24, 2013

Please go to History of Hyrule .com

In attempt to use the forums more, and because I don't need to divert traffic because of Hyrule Historia any more, I'm going to stop using Blogger for updates. (I'm just going to keep it for emergencies. Like, if the main site ever goes down, it will be a place you can check.) From now on news and site updates will be found the main page. Thanks guys!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Newly Found Art for Zelda 1

Just added a ton of newly uncovered old art from the original Legend of Zelda game. Cool old-school, and very well done, illustrations of the bad guys, more of Link, and other stuff like item "icons." Find it over on our temporary gallery on flickr: Either on the photostream or in the LoZ set. Hope you like it!

BTW: Everything there is posted super-high-res and feel free to use anything you find to make whatever you want. When possible, credit is simply appreciated and will always count towards brownie points.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Newly Translated, Never-Before-Seen, Hyrule Fantasy Manga

This one is a beautiful 8 page Hyrule Fantasy comic from a rare, art filled, guide. I spent so much time cleaning and editing it simply because I wanted to do it credit, I even "hand"-painted over the watercolor so that the backgrounds were clear of the old text. Thank you to everyone who made it possible: Mases of Zelda Dungeon for finding this gem, buying it, and importing it. Kevin and Jacob for helping me translate it, and Duke Serkol of the BS Zelda Homepage for helping me find the help I needed to finish it.

If you notice any errors, please let me know! Right now I'm cropping up the art from the guide so it can be added to the gallery. I'll make an update about that when it's done.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

More 4Koma in English!

JoeSteve1914 was kind enough to take on the difficult task of adding the English to these 4 Koma pages last year, but as you may have noticed~ I haven't been around much. Sorry it took so long, I'm so happy to finally add them! Enjoy, and thanks Joe! It was wonderful to finally be able to read these like they were meant to be read. (Click to enlarge)

And, if you notice that a few parts aren't in English, it's just because the text was missed by the translator.
--When you work on stuff like this, you start to realize how easy it is to accidentally skip lines.

If you want to read a few more unfinished pages, or have trouble reading any of the small type (it's difficult to get it to fit on the page size we need,) then just head over to this 4 Koma thread.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Doujinshi Added: Link x Ike

I added a little Link x Ike doujinshi called Obam Oben Je So Vas Ti I Mene, Srekni Praznici by Tamaki T. Check it out!

and, no, I have no idea what that could translate to! Google Translate detects it as... Slovenian?

History of Hyrule

My informal, partial, hiatus is being extended due to the fact that I'm going to be having yet another surgery (a common one but it has a longer recovery time) so I just wanted to make a post to keep at the top of the blog here:

If you didn't know! ~This blogger account is just History of Hyrule's "update" section.

For the real site, which is a work in progress, please go to

I also do a lot of stuff on our Facebook page.
...and I post a lot of fanart and other neat stuff on our Tumblr account.
You can also find our temporary-official-art-gallery-in-progress on Flickr.

I still have thousands of pieces of official art to add... So, right now, the site pretty much only consists of the artwork for the fanart calendar event and then there's the HUGE publication's section ...which has thousands of pages of published material already; but isn't even close to done:

Here's an index of the "Publication" areas you might like the most:

Publication's Section:
. all the zelda doujinshi we have
. . . doujinshi by language
. . . doujinshi by artist
. . . all the zelda doujinshi we don't have
. all the zelda comics I know of (well, I have more web-comics to add)
. all the zelda 4koma I know of
. all the zelda books and novels I know of
. all the zelda manga I know of
. . . manga by language
. . . manga by artist
. . . manga by game
. miscellaneous zelda publications
. a list of every manga, comic, and doujinshi artist I know of

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

I added a new, but very tiny, little doujinshi today! Omakebon5

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Doujinshi Additions!

Some new doujinshi arrived, thanks to Anastasia, and more is on the way; so just a heads-up that this is stuff that will be added to the site in the future!

Edit: Here are some links the artist posted of one of the best ones (thank you Feri!) and

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Wind Waker: Zelda Box Translations and Concept Art

Glitterberri is back from working as an official member of the Hyrule Historia localization team, and she's already graciously tackled a few pages from The Zelda Box. Which is wonderful because I've been hoping that someone would do that for a long time now. For anyone who felt disappointed that Hyrule Histoira didn't cover enough of the Wind Waker (Not that I was but I saw a few mentions of it) all you need to do is go back in time and check out the Zelda Box: a semi-rare collector's item, of game information and concept art (It's a book very much like Hyrule Historia) that showed up with the original release of that game. How is that possible, you say? Well, I scanned it ages ago when it went out of print. The art can be found in our temporary gallery, you can download the whole thing from Zelda Legends, or you can find it in a page reader on our main site in the publication's section: but I want to save the server from too many visits at once, so I'll leave it to you to seek it out if you want the downloadable zips.

Enjoy guys! And thanks to GenGAME & Zelda Dungeon for alerting me to the update.

A few page samples from the download:

Monday, February 4, 2013

Just working on things, an update:

Hey everyone!
Good news is that my health has been holding up for a few days now; which means I've been working on site stuff like mad.

Right now I'm building a "new" website for the calendar contest so I can move it off the forums ~and then I start-up the new event for this year. I've always realized that reading through one long forum post, for every piece of info, is pretty monotonous and frustrating. In fact, this has been the plan since year one; but time or motivation has prevented me from doing it until now. ~Bad news is that it's going to take me more than a few days to finish.

I also have a TON of emails to answer. And none of them are really things I just want to make a quick reply to. (I think I already cleared those out of the inbox?) They're things that I really want to make in-depth replies to, or they're about stuff I need to spend time on. I kind of disappeared around September, I only was able to get to the contest during that time, so I have a lot of catching up to do. It will take me a while to build the contest site and work through those emails. So, for everyone who has written me, thank you for your patience; I honestly can not wait to get to your letters. I actually look forward to it a lot. I'm hoping I'll be able to do at least a few here and there.

I also still have sick pets to care for, so my time online each day is pretty limited. u_u

Anyway: I don't know how long it will take me, but I have big plans so I'll just be doing what I can until I'm all caught up! (and I might post a few doujinshi that I already had ready in the meantime) ~Thanks!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Start of the Book

I just wanted to post a few pages from the intro of Hyrule Historia, in order, to give people an idea of what kind of quality product this is. It very much mirrors the Japanese one, but they added some tiny yet special touches: like the image from the beginning of Skyward Sword to the inside of the cover and back, instead of just having blank paper like the Japanese version did.

The other reason to post the first few pages: it has the credits for the book's production team, and each one of those people deserve to be recognized for all their amazing work.

These also includes the intro by Miyamoto that Dark Horse has typed up on their blog, and then some of the pages of concept art that Kotaku and Dark Horse already posted. So it's not that I'm really showing anything new, it's that I wanted people to understand how beautifully this is laid out. If you're new here, search the "Hyrule Histora" tag on the right of the blog to find out more about this book.


If you skip a few pages in, the true concept art pages begin: 


Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The art is larger, and more is revealed!

This is just one example of how much bigger the English version is versus the original Japanese version. (Click to enlarge.) The paper and printing are just so much nicer too. And my suspicions were correct (I mentioned it a long time ago) ~the larger format means that they uncovered more of the art. For example: notice how the extra spacing reveals more if the image in the English version. THANK YOU DARK HORSE

I'll post more examples and excerpts from the book in the coming days. For now, be sure to buy your copy! And join us on our Hyrule Historia group if you want some of the fastest Hyrule Historia updates on the net.

My Hyrule Historia Just Arrived! Some Differences: (Updated)

This is my personal copy and the other 2 that I bought as prizes for the Zelda Fanart Calendar Contest I hold every year: Check out the calendar we made this year. And come back soon to find out what the next one will be!

And they're GOOD differences. Anyone who likes the art will love this.

#1 Yes, it is quite a bit bigger. Here's a comparison with the Japanese version:

#2 My hopes came true: THE PRINT QUALITY IS BETTER! Only slightly, but it's still more clear. And yes, the images are larger. (I had already pointed out how that was going to be the case, but in case you missed the post I made about that ages ago, consider it confirmed ;) And, if you know me, you know what this means.

(Also, this is not the best picture. When I do a comparison review tonight or tomorrow I'll have better images.)

#3 Here's the edge of the book. It's not a big deal but, I don't think I've seen a picture of that yet, so I wanted to include it.

Mine came from Amazon, I have Prime: it was the 2 day shipping. The TFAW order is where my LE will hopefully come from, it has not shipped yet. And, like I said, I'm going to go do a write up and make some better images as soon as I can :)

(SO EXCITED! /Dies. It's like a dream!)

Small update I promised a few people: I just got the email from TFAW that says they'll be shipping soon. Both the regular and Limited Edition versions. Could be going out in 1-3 business days.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Tumblr "Ask" Blogs

I just wanted to bring more attention to this thread I started, I know I need to go through it and update it SO: if you know of other "Ask" blogs, please help me by adding to the list.

Please (!) help me add to this list :3 Just leave links as comments, it's okay if it's your own!
It must have SOME content. Ones that are no longer updated are fine to add but, if one has been completely deleted, please let me know. Blogs with OCs are welcome to be added only if they are in a blog staring canon a character(s) as well.


Skyward Sword:
TP, Oot & Cross Game Mixes:
Chibi-ish Games:
Other Games:

They're loosely organized by character name:

Ask Agitha:
Ask Anju:

Ask Beedle:
Ask (Pirate Captain) Bellum:
Ask Bucha (the Kikwi Elder):

Ask Cawlin:
Ask the Cucco:

Ask Demise:
Ask Dokumi:

Ask Eagus:
Ask Epona:
ASk Ezlo:

Ask Fado:
Ask Faron:
Ask Farore:
Ask Fi:
Ask Fi (Spirit of the Sword):
Ask Fi (The Sword Spirit):
Ask Fi (Goddess of the Sword):
Ask (Badass) Fi:
Ask (Dark) Fi (Fa):
Ask Fledge:
Ask (Female) Fledge:

Ask Ganondorf:
Ask Ganondorf:
Ask Ganondorf (the Dark Lord of All)
Ask (Mr. Dragmire) Ganondorf:
Ask (Dark Lord) Ganondorf:
Ask (the Gerudo King) Ganondorf:
Ask Ganon's (Asscheeks):
Ask Ganondorf (Old Man Ganny):
Ask (Gay) Ganondorf:
Ask Ganondorf Dragmire:
Ask (Wind Waker) Ganon:
Ask the Great Deku Tree:
Ask the Great Fairy:

Ask the Happy Mask Salesman:
Ask the Happy Mask Shop:
Ask Hena:
Ask (Instructor) Horwell:
Ask Hylia (the goddess and protector of time):

Ask Ilia:
Ask Impa:
Ask Impa (Servent of the Goddess)
Ask Impa (the Sheikah):

Ask Japas:

Ask Kaepora Gaebora:
Ask Kafei:
Ask (Adult) Kafei:
Ask Karane:
Ask (Lady) Karane:
Ask Karane:
Ask Keaton:
Ask Kina:
Ask Komali:
Ask Kikiel:

Ask Lanayru:
Ask Laruto:
Ask (Captain) Linebeck:
Ask Linebeck:
Ask (Link's Red) Loftwing:

Ask Majora:
Ask Majora's Mask:
Ask Mallara:
Ask Medli:
Ask Mido:
Ask Morpha:

Ask Nabooru:
Ask (the Sage of Spirits) Nabooru:
Ask Navi:
Ask Navi:
Ask Niko:

Ask Oolo (the Kikwi):
Ask Ordona:
Ask (Instructor) Owlan:
Ask (Instructor) Owlan:

Ask Peatrice:
Ask the Phantom:
Ask (Literally) Pipit:
Ask (Flirty) Pipit:
Ask (Pocket) Pipit:
Ask (Good Guy) Pipit:
Ask Pipit:
Ask (Female) Pipit:
Ask the Poe Collector:
Ask the Poe Sisters:
Ask the Postman:

Ask (Prince) Ralis:
Ask Renado:
Ask Romani:
Ask Ruto:
Ask (Dark) Ruto:
Ask (Zora Princess) Ruto:
Ask (Princess) Ruto:

Ask Saria:
Ask Saria:
Ask Saria (Kokiri):
Ask (Adult) Saria:
Ask Shad:
Ask Sheik:
Ask (Dark) Sheik:
Ask Sheik:
Ask the Silent Guardians:
Ask Sparrot:
Ask Strich:

Ask Talon:
Ask Tatl:
Ask Tatl (the Fairy):
Ask Telma:
Ask (Pirate) Tetra:
Ask Tetra:
Ask Tingle:

Ask Vaati:
Ask Vaati:
Ask Vaati:
Ask (SeƱor ) Vaati:
Ask (the Lady) Volvagia:

Ask Zant:
Ask Zephos (Holy Priest of Hylia):

Thank go to all the creators and to Flor O. for giving me a billion links to add to this list, everyone who left an ask below, and to who also helped fill some missing parts in with their master list.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Hyrule Historia UK orders have been shipping

Congrats to you in the UK! The rest of us schlubs are probably going to have to wait until the 29th for both versions of the book to be sent out. If I hear otherwise: know that I'll be continuing to update with news on our (long outdated name) Facebook page for the book: NoA-Please-bring-us-Hyrule-Historia-in-English