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Saturday, May 29, 2021

UPDATE. Archival Scanning Project: Zelda Manga, Novels, and Guides

Over the next year or so my goal is to make high resolution, archival quality, scans of all of these no-longer published Zelda publications so they're never lost. Most (if not all?) have been out of print for 35-20 years, many of the publishers aren't even in business any more. I don't really know what to do about it after that though. Right now manga publishers are going after some scan sites: mainly because people were making major ad and subscription money on thousands of works STILL being published; which is pretty messed up. I want to state, in the 20 years I've been doing this, I've never had a single ad or sold a single thing to make money on anything from my site. I've never even so much as linked to my personal online art stores. I busted my ass and pushed for years to see the Himekawa manga officially localized outside of Japan and to get Hyrule Historia released outside of Japan too. Like, let's pay publishers and artists to do the work so we can get more works made. I absolutely get that not everything gets localized in every language and that not everyone can access and afford things though. I mean, I grew up really poor and literally started this site because my favorite childhood Zelda art book/game guide was stolen from me and I couldn't find it again to see the art I had been so inspired by again. I looked for a decade before I found it and had to spend $100 to buy it at auction. Money that also did not go back to the original creators. ...Which is also why I wish publishers could find ways to work on that issue too. Like offering free online libraries of work that there isn't much of a market for any more. Or, if they don't want to bear the costs, would even okay fans to do it under certain circumstances. Anyway...

My old hard rule was to remove them if we heard they were going to get picked up officially, to only do works that had been out of print for years, and for all of that: to make the available manga scans just barely big enough to visually understand what was going on, so people could see what they were about but would still be encouraged to buy them when they could because the small size really isn't incredibly enjoyable. It's pretty clear none of these volumes are ever going to officially see the light of day again. You can't even find them on auctions sites any more even if you have the sometimes hundreds of dollars needed to buy each one. In an ideal world I would want a new publisher to pick up the rights and produce them, give money back to the original artists or their families if they have passed, or use it to fund artists to do new works. Sadly the chances of that happening are probably close to Zero if they haven't happened by now (or maybe I should start writing companies like an insane person and beg them to get the rights and re-publish them, ...who knows.) Unfortunately, originally, copyright law only covered around the first 14 years of a work. Which means every single one of these could be reproduced without a sometimes insane and over cumbersome process.... but then Disney fought to change that to nearly a life time, with the ability to be extended... So... 2056-2066ish is the earliest...? That's just cruel to fans who simply want to be able to experience a part of the history of their favorite series. Anyway, just know I will preserve them and that I will be trying to figure out how to handle this in the most ethical way possible. 

This is just a picture of my Zelda manga and novels, I don't even know how many more guides and artbooks I have. 

A long time ago some of my 4koma suffered water damage and I forgot about it until now. If you have any of the remaining volumes below, and are willing to sell them, please contact me.

Edit August 2, 2021: I located 2 at auction, Piney/dat_pinez located 2 others and is sending them to me, and Edit 2: now Ikhana and Piney have helped me find the other missing ones.

I also need another German Link's Awakening guide because mine came with a missing page that has art on it. Thank you!

Sunday, May 23, 2021

New High Res Scans: Link's Awakening Dreamer Artbook

The out of print 2019 remake of The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening had a 120 page bonus artbook that I've finally fully scanned in high resolution at 600dpi. It mainly contains some really adorable concept art with my favorite piece being the Oracle style character sheet and sketches of Link. I believe the US version is hardback, pictured here, but I purchased and scanned the Japanese version because it's a lot cheaper to obtain and, being softcover, I felt less guilty about removing the pages to get perfectly flat images. 

You can find all of the pages at the flickr gallery here.

Also, apologies, I realized that my scanner is scanning slightly crooked. It doesn't affect the images quality it just means that the pages aren't perfectly horizontal. Looks like I need a new scanner. 

Friday, May 21, 2021

The Skyward Sword Official Art Gallery Collection is Massive- And Still Growing!

The official art gallery for Skyward Sword isn't even finished but it's already massive. Please check it out over on flickr! I'm pretty proud of it so far. I still have a ton left to do though before the re-release: I'm currently scanning and editing maps to add as well as being nearly done locating and organizing item renders and the art for the game sprites.

In it you'll find the official game release illustrations, posters, hundreds of pieces of concept art, renders and rips that will help with character reference, and let me know if you want me to add level renders or anything else. 

Years ago I made scans of the artbooks and lightly cleaned up a lot of the images. Those are the ones you'll most likely find on wiki galleries and reposted on pages. I just re-did all of that with clearer and more vibrant versions and they're in the gallery now: so they're really worth seeing and using. once again I worked on taking the distracting text off of most of them too so they're really nice to look at and study and even better to use for illustrating articles.

Backstory: If you don't know, I'm currently working on creating the most extensive and complete official art collection for every Legend of Zelda game and am trying hard to make and track down the best versions of every piece of art out there. Exactly 19 years ago tomorrow is when the site first launched and keeping official art from being hard to locate, or disappearing completely, is why I started History of Hyrule. I'm excited to be working towards this goal again... and it's even more fun knowing the task will never end. There will always be something new or left to find.

Friday, May 7, 2021

Breath of the Wild art is coming next

I'm getting closer to finishing up the bulk of the Skyward Sword section of the official art gallery, so out of curiosity I did some test cleaning for the Breath of the Wild artbook, Creating a Champion. It turned out pretty well. Looking forward to adding nice concept sketches to the gallery. Here are some examples with very minimal manual cleaning (basically I mean none of the original art was altered or lost)


Monday, May 3, 2021

Insanely High-Rez Old-School Link Art

This has always been one of my favorite pieces of Link art and thanks to the incredible collector, Art of Nintendo Power on Twitter, we have a high resolution scan of the actual cel. That's right: it's a cel, he owns it now, he scanned it at 1200dpi, and since it's a painting there's no pixilation. It's incredible and I am in heaven. I did a rough clean up job on it and have it uploaded at the flickr gallery in its all its 17,680 x 9900 glory, here.

You could originally see this in Nintendo's Legend of Zelda Tips and Tactics guide, and I use to be responsible for the best image of it online, which is a joke compared to this one. I'm super happy to pass that torch because, seriously, nothing beats this!

Gallery Update: Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons mostly done!

Super excited about this one because it's really cute and harder than it should have been, mainly because so much of the sprite art seemed impossible to track down! Anyway, I can easily say, this is the most complete Oracles art gallery online, nothing was even close to being in one place. And a head's up: many of the scenes are animated gifs, if you download them you'll be able to see them.

Check it out on Flickr!

Updated: Full translations for an adorable old Hyrule Fantasy book!

UPDATE: This is fully translated and I hope to edit it in the future. If you're great at page editing, would you like to take on this task for me instead though? I'm so backlogged I feel horrible that I haven't gotten to it yet. I have rough pages posted below but some changes to the text have been made and can be found below the images. I do want this to look super professional though so I'd rather wait to do it myself if editing isn't something you're really skilled at (though there are a lot of people out there that are better at it than me so, if that's you, please take this on!)

Full Translation thanks to @sergethesage.
He sent it in for this absolutely awesome little book for the first Legend of Zelda.

The text on the images is not the final text, by the way, the images are just what I sent back to him to make sure I had everything in the right place and that nothing was left out.

Front cover

(Brand name) Playable for children

(Series name) Family Computer (or Family Computer Disk System)

Picture Book

(Title of book) Hyrule fantasy:

The Legend of Zelda

Page 1-2

(Title) The story of ‘Legend of Zelda’

(upper right)

Long, long ago, in the country of Princess Zelda, on continent of Hyrule, two Triforces with mysterious powers brought prosperity to the land. 


Impa the Nursemaid

Princess Zelda

Triforce of Wisdom

Triforce of Power

(bottom right)

However, Ganon, the Prince of Darkness, coveted the Triforces for himself. He invaded and captured the Triforce of Power


Ganon, the Prince of Darkness

(bottom pictures, from right to left)

Things that can be discovered in the Legend of Zelda:
Link's collection of weapons, treasures, and his enemies.

White Sword
Twice as good as the ordinary sword

Life Hearts
Represents Link's life. If they all become white, he dies.

Magical Sword
Four times better than ordinary sword

Magic Shield
Repels enemies’ attacks

(upper left)

The Triforce of Wisdom remained safe but Princess Zelda, afraid that Ganon might capture it too, divided it into 8 pieces and hid them in different underworld mazes.

(bottom left)

Zelda was captured by Ganon and is now his prisoner. 

Link heard this story from Princess Zelda's nursemaid, Impa, and vowed to defeat Ganon and save the princess. Gathering the Triforce of Wisdom would be vital in defeating the dark prince.

And so Link set forth to seek the hidden pieces of Triforce



(bottom pictures)

Heart Container:
Increase number of Link’s heart by one

Money. Blue rupee costs 5 yellow (? this seems unfinished)

Magic key
Door key, can be used many times.

For crossing narrow rivers and chasms

Use it to cross the water's surface without trouble


Page 3-4

(Title) Link’s journey has begun

(upper right)

Link will meet many of Ganon's minions during his journey. Show them, Link!


Moblin (mori-no goburin, forest goblin)


(bottom right)

There are also enemies in the underworld. Different weapons are needed to defeat them


(bottom pictures)

Wooden Boomerang
Stuns an enemy when it hits them

Magical boomerang
Flies further than wooden boomerang

Bow and wooden arrow
Hits enemies at a great distance

Silver arrow
Link’s greatest weapon

Makes amazing blasts and can break walls

(upper left)
Well done! One piece of the Triforce is found!

(middle left)
Just wait, Ganon, I will defeat you!

(bottom left)
Underworld enemies are tougher than oveworld ones


Pols voice
(bottom pictures)
Blue Candle
It can light rooms in the underworld labyrinths

Red Candle
Its flame can be used to light rooms and as a weapon many times

Show it to the Old Woman to buy the Water of Life

Marks the location of the Triforce in labyrinths

Magical clock
Stops an enemies' movement

Page 5-6

(Title) Fight, Link!

(right top & bottom)


How to control Link

But first let’s learn about weapons and powers of Link.

First let's learn about Link's weapons and abilities. Things that Link can use as a weapon, and his other equipment and treasures, are shown on the screen to the left. Fight and win to get them! Choose weapons with the B Button.

The Green Link
Link starts the game in a green tunic

The Blue Link
When Link obtains the blue ring he becomes twice as strong

The Red Link
Wow! With the red ring Link becomes 4 times stronger!

(icon) Used with A button weapon.

The initial sword Link obtains from an Old Man

White Sword
Twice as strong as the original sword but you need 5 hearts to wield it

Magical Sword
Four times as strong but you can't obtain it unless you have 12 heart containers

(picture of joypad)

Remember the B button. Use it to attack with the equipment you chose.

A Button: Use it to attack with a sword

Start Button: Change between the battle screen and the inventory screen

Select Button: Pause and unpause the game

D-Pad: Move Link. He goes in the direction you press

(bottom pictures)

Map: a map for that underworld labyrinth

Blue ring
Doubles Link’s strength

Red Ring
Increases Link's strength four times

Power bracelet
Makes Link strong enough to move rocks

Magical rod
Allows Link to use a mysterious spell

(left top & bottom)

(icon) Weapons used with the B Button
There is a wooden and a magical boomerang. Both temporarily stop an enemy's movement
There are red and blue candles. Their flames can be used for lighting rooms, burning down trees, and as a weapon

Bow and arrow
Can't be used until you have both. There are also wooden and silver arrows and some enemies can't be defeated with arrows alone

It can lure enemies allowing you to distract or attack them.

Water of life
There are blue and red potions that restore Link's hearts
Flute (Recorder)
It can be used for many mysterious things including calling a whirlwind!

Magical Rod
You need the Book of Magic (updated official name for the bible) to use its powerful beam

Place it for an amazing blast that devastates enemies

(bottom pictures)
Book of Magic (originally called the bible)
Inside is written a spell for emitting flame

Lure enemies with it

Different mysterious things can happen!

Blue Water of Life
Restores all Link’s hearts

Red Water of Life
Can be used twice

Page 7
(Title) The People of Hyrule

Old men who live in the caves:
They give Link special items and different hints

Old Women
They sell potions and hints. A bit greedy

Sells weapons and other treasures! Prices are different depending on the merchant. Buy at cheaper places

They dwell in Hyrule's springs and will restore all of Link's hearts when he approaches

(bottom pictures)
Pieces of Triforce
Collect all 8 to defeat Ganon

Sells treasures and weapons

Old Woman
Sells hints and the Water of Life

Old Man
Gives hints, swords, and more

Restores all of Link's hearts

Page 8

(Title) Defeating the Enemies in the Overworld.

There are all kinds of enemies in the Overworld. Don’t be careless!



There are zolas in the seas and lakes! Avoid their beams!


Zola (or Zora)

(bottom pictures)
Princess Zelda
Ruler of Hyrule that was captured by Ganon

Lives in the overworld and spits rocks.
Monster that really jumps around

A forest dwelling imp that throws spears

Lives under the sand and emerges as you approach

Page 9-10

(Title) Defeat Ganon, the Prince of Darkness!

(upper left)
At last you found the entrance to an underground maze! A piece of Triforce is hidden somewhere inside. It's not easy to find hidden entrances

(picture right)
It’s not easy to find hidden entrance!

(picture left)
An underground labyrinth is a maze with many rooms.

(bottom right)
Underworld mazes are full of enemies. Choose your weapon and show them!

Gleeok has a formidable beam!

(triangle part of page)
There's treasure here!

(round part in the middle of pages)
Get back the Triforce of Power!

(bottom pictures)
A gently fluttering flower

a beam spitting half man, half fish

Stone warriors that come to life when touched

Graveyard-dwelling monster

defends death mountain from visitors
(upper central)
Get hints from the old man in the hidden room! 

(upper left)
Chop Manhandla down with the magical sword

Hurry to Ganon's lair on Death Mountain

(bottom left)

The Prince of Darkness, Ganon, has appeared! He's (I can't think how to phrase this right now. My mind is drawing a blank.) He is pressing Link with beams.

Fight on, Link!

(bottom pictures)
Watch out as they fall from Death Mountain

A skeleton that will use swords to attack

Keese & Vire
Bat-like monsters, vire is the boss

An underworld imp that attacks with boomerangs

A unicorn-like dragon that attacks with beams

Page 11-12
(Title) Labyrinth of ‘Legend of Zelda’

(the only word on right page)

(bottom pictures)
A giant hand that emerges through the walls

Its spikes will cut you when you get close

a venomous snake that dwells in the underworld

a large earthworm that lives in the mazes

Stone statue
scattered throughout the rooms, some emit beams

(upper left)

Make your way through Ganon’s army to Princess Zelda!
Don’t get lost!

(bottom left)

(bottom pictures)
A tortured soul. Don't touch it or hit it with a sword.

Large rhino with tough hide.

Gel & Zol
Jelly-like monsters.

Knight in the maze. Unbeatable from the front.

Man-eater with four arms.

Page 13-14

(Title) Save Princess Zelda!

(Right overworld)

Link’s adventure began.
Avoid overworld and underworld enemies and save Princess Zelda!

Let’s get the sword

Zora in the sea and octorocks on dry land are awaiting!

(bottom pictures)
Shields are delicious to this monster

A giant dragon that spits beams

Pols voice
Monster with big ears

Male mummy, extremely strong!

A magic user that attacks with spells

(left page)
In the desert there are leevers and peahats… Use your sword!

(Link with Zelda)
At last! Princess Zelda has been saved!


(Link with Triforce)
Got the Triforce!

Move on!

(Link with Ganon)
Defeat Ganon

(bottom pictures)
Big crab with a hard shell.

Giant centipede. Very fast!

Big urchin. Doesn’t like noise.

Flying swarm-like boss.

Prince of Darkness Ganon
The boss of all Link's enemies. He's a formidable foe.

Back cover
(Title) Family Computer Picture Book
Move through the maze to get to the goal! Gather the letters to spell "Legend of Zelda" ("Ze-Ru-Da No De-N-Se-Tsu" I don't know if we should say letters and change them to English syllables, or say Kana and keep the Japanese symbols.)



Princess Zelda


(commercial advertisement)

Playable for children (brand name) Family Computer Picture Book (or Family Computer Disk System. series name)

This publication is appropriate for young children. The contents of all the books in this series reveal the details for different videogames and have child-appropriate puzzles, coloring activities, and mazes. Ask for other volumes in this series at your nearest bookstore.

No Clip: Amazing resource for screen captures, textures, and art reference.

I'm late to the party and am mostly just posting this here so I don't forget about it again- because it's too amazing. If you need to see a level, or reference a texture, from any of the earlier 3D zelda games, check out It really is a museum. So far it has Skyward Sword, Twilight Princess, Windwaker, Majora's Mask 3D, Ocarina of Time 3D, and Ocarina of Time N64. Thank you so much for creating this, Jasper! I needed to remember a detail on a level in Skyward Sword, a game I can't play because the motion controls cause nerve damage in my arms, and it allowed me to get right to it!

Whole levels

Direct texture download

Screenshot from inside Zelda's room

Link's Awakening Manga: Super rare and never seen before! (Updated!)

Translated by: Сергей Посниченко Sergei the Sage
Cleaned and Typeset by: DidakosGA

UPDATE 2: Full translation below

Original Post: For the first time ever on the internet: a very rare Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening manga short that was that was just scanned by @randomhoohaas of & was sent to me by @miloscat. It's 38 pages and is from a fairly obscure Japanese comic periodical, COROCORO BESSATSU, the August 1993 issue.

UPDATE: @sergeithesage sent me this great summary:

Here is brief story of Link's Awakening.
Link defeated 7 monsters and got 7 Siren's instruments, but then received message from Hot Head, saying that mister Tarin is kidnapped and ransom is 7 instruments. Link said Marin nothing, took his trophies to Turtle Rock and gave to Hot Head. Hot Head released Tarin but warned Link in a Godfather-like manner, that a new attempt to wake Fish of Wind would mean the end of life for Tarin and Marin.

Link and Tarin decided to keep all this in secret from Marin, but Link behaved himself very strange, and Marin asked Tarin what is wrong. Tarin said nothing, but thought, and Marin read his thoughts (after all it's a comics for elementary school children). So Marin left note and went for Hot Head's den to bring instruments back. Link and Tarin read her note and hurried to save poor girl, but it was late - Hot Head captured Marin.

Link tried to attack Hot Head, but evil monster told him, that waking Fish of Winds means deleting all this world including Marin and Tarin. His evil words made Link to hesitate, Link's arm lacked strength, and so Hot Head was about to kill Link. In last moment Link remembered Zelda, it gave him some strength but not enough. Hot Head need only one final blow to finish Link off, but in last moment Tarin appeared with fairy. Fairy fully recovered Link, and he destroyed Hot Head and rescued Marin.

The last scene. Marin tells Link to go and wake up Fish of Wind. And adds, that she believes all be OK, because Link is true hero with kind heart.

Here's a direct translation of this page that he provided:

Link: One more – and I have all eight!
Marin: Are you not afraid of monsters?
Link: I have many too many dreams and to-do things.
Link: And can’t waste my time here! (It leaves no place for doubts?)

Update: Here's a full translation into English thanks to Сергей Посниченко aka 

Credits thus far:
This was translated by Сергей Посниченко 

The pages were scanned by Ragey of

Sent to Miloscat of and who then

Then sent them to Melora  of who cleaned them slightly

Well, soon it will be Hyrule!
Что ж, уже скоро и Хайрул!

The Legend of Zelda
Dreaming Island (aka Link's Awakening)
Легенда о Зельде
Спящий остров

正義のまんが 家藤赤正人
Cartoonist of Justice Masahito Fujiaka
Комиксист Справедливости Масахито Фудзиака

On his way back to Hyrule Link was attacked by sudden storm and washed up on an island…
Возвращаясь в Хайрул, Линк угодил в неожиданный шторм и был выброшен на берег острова…

A new adventure is about to begin!
Вот-вот начнётся новое приключение!



Oh, sword is gone!
А-а, меч пропал!

Page 4
(Loud screaming)

Wake up? You were lying on the south seacoast!
Очнулись? Вы лежали без чувств на южном побережье!

(I was) Dreaming?..
Уф, это сон…

Yes, here is your shield.
Да, вот ваш щит.

Hey, sword is absent (is not it)?
Что, а меча нет?!!

Listen, where is that seacoast?
Так, где это побережье? 

Tha-that way!
Во-вон там!

If sword is lost, it’s bad thing!
Если меч пропал, это труба!

What is going on, hey!
Эй, в чём дело?

Page 5
It is here!

Uh, I’m glad I have found it… 
Уф, нашёлся, какое счастье…

What’s that?
Что там?

This is that girl!
Это же та девушка!

Page 6

Are you OK?
Вы в порядке?

Oh, thank you.
Да, спасибо.

Are there many monsters here?
У вас тут много монстров?

Page 7
Until yesterday there was none!
До вчерашнего дня ни одного не было!

And suddenly they appeared!
И тут вдруг появились!

They came with you, didn’t they!
Не иначе, они пришли вместе с вами!

Calm down, after all he saved us!
Тише-тише, он ведь всё-таки нас спас!

It was we, who saved him!
Это мы его спасли!

And without word of gratitude he just ran away!
А он умчался, даже спасибо не сказав!

I was worried about sword, sorry… Please, forgive me. 
Я просто волновался о своём мече… Прошу меня простить.

Wow, you were returning from training trip!
Говоришь, возвращался из обучающего странствия?


So, it seems I should build a raft to return…
М-да, похоже, придётся мастерить плот, чтобы вернуться…

Page 8
What are you talking about! It’s impossible to cross sea on the raft!
О чём вы говорите? На плоту море не переплыть!

If there is even the least possibility, you should believe in it and take the challenge!
Если есть хоть малейшая возможность, нужно верить и принимать вызов!

Don’t give up so easily!
Не стоит сдаваться так легко!

It’s good to be young…
Эх, хорошо быть молодым…

But, father…
Но отец…

Unfortunately this island can’t be left!
К сожалению, этот остров не покинуть!


This island exists in totally different than Hyrule time-space.
Остров существует в совершенно другом пространстве-времени, чем Хайрул.

There is only one way to leave island.
И есть лишь один способ покинуть его.

What should I do?
Что для этого нужно?

Page 9
To leave island, use Siren’s instruments, kept by monsters,
Чтобы покинуть остров, нужны хранимые монстрами инструменты Сирены.

To wake up ‘Fish of Wind’, sleeping in the egg on the mountain.
Ими разбудишь «Рыбу ветра», спящую в яйце на горе.

However, to go for monsters you have to be brave.
Но чтобы отправиться к монстрам, нужно мужество.

Of course I am!
Не сомневайся, оно есть!

Then follow me, I’ll show the way.
Тогда за мной, я покажу дорогу.

Be careful, we don’t know who are those monsters!
Будьте осторожны, мы ведь не знаем, что это за монстры!

As I have said, don’t give up so easily.
Как я говорил, не стоит сдаваться так легко.

Page 10
There are 8 instruments of Siren. To get them Link had to fight with 8 monsters.
Инструментов Сирены всего 8. Чтобы их добыть, Линк должен был сразиться с 8 монстрами.

Page 11
And now he got the seventh instrument.
И сейчас он получил седьмой инструмент.

Page 12
One more – and I have all eight!
Ещё один – и будет восемь!

Are you not afraid of monsters?
Вы совсем не боитесь монстров?

I have too many dreams and wishes.
Мне есть о чём мечтать и к чему стремиться.

And can’t waste my time here!
Это не оставляет места для колебаний!

That is the reason of my courage to meet the monsters!
Отсюда и берётся моё мужество ходить на монстров!


Page 13
OK, he passed by.
Порядок, он ушёл.

Why did you let him go?
Но почему вы дали ему уйти?

I’m not a hired killer, that’s why I don’t want to kill more than I need to.
Я не наёмный убийца, поэтому не хочу убивать без крайней нужды.

Ах, Линк…

Mister Tarin are picking mushrooms?
Дядя Тарин пошёл по грибы?


Page 14
But is it safe with all these wandering beasts?
Всё ли с ним в порядке – тут ведь монстры бродят?


Who’s that?!!
Кто здесь?!!

Page 15
It has a letter!
Тут письмо!

If you want to return Tarin, bring Siren’s instruments to the Hot Head’s Turtle Rock
Если хотите вернуть Тарина, приходите с инструментами Сирены к Черепашьему Камню

What is written here?
Что там написано?

Ah, just nothing!
Да нет, ничего!

I just remember something, wait me at home.
Я как раз вспомнил кое-что, просто подожди меня дома.

What is all this sudden?!!
Что за внезапность?

Page 16
I am Link, and I have come!
Это Линк, я пришёл!

And brought instruments!
И принёс инструменты!

Have come?

And have really brought Siren’s instruments?
И впрямь принёс инструменты Сирены?


Here, take!

Good! Let him go!
Отлично! Отпустите его!

Page 17
Don’t even think about waking ‘Fish of Wind’.
Даже и не думай больше о том, чтобы разбудить «Рыбу ветра».

If you try to wake it next time,
А если не оставишь своих попыток,

Then Marin and Tarin will lose their lives!
То в следующий раз Марин и Тарину не жить!

What… what do you mean?!!
Что… что ты хочешь сказать?!!

I mean be a good boy…
Я говорю, будь послушным мальчиком…

Sorry, Link.
Мне жаль, Линк.

Never mind. And… let’s not worry Marin and keep this in secret.
Не принимайте близко к сердцу. И… чтобы Марин не беспокоилась, оставим это в секрете.

Page 18
Oh, wow, what a feast!
Ого, надо же, просто пир!

Tomorrow you are fighting with eighth monster, right?
Завтра вы ведь сражаетесь с восьмым монстром?

So I have to feed you well!
Так что я должна как следует накормить вас!

Ah, ye-yes. Thank you.
Ах, э, да. Спасибо.

Pardon, Link.
Простите, Линк.


Are you eating soup with fork?
Вы кушаете суп вилкой?

Ah, we-well, I think I am eating meat now! 
А, ну, вот – я подумал, что ем сейчас мясо!

It is fish!
Это рыба!

Page 19
I wonder what is wrong with Link.
Что же с Линком стряслось?

I, I don’t know!
Я, я не знаю!

He gave out the instruments to save me!
Он отдал инструменты, чтобы спасти меня!

Is this true?!!
Это правда?!!

Oh, Link, you’re…
Ох, Линк, вы…

Oh, no!

Look at this!
Вот, смотри!

I am going to return the Siren’s instruments. Please don’t worry. Marin.
Я верну инструменты Сирены. Пожалуйста, не волнуйтесь. Марин.

Page 20
She head to monster’s den all alone!
Она в одиночку отправилась в логово монстра!

Page 21
Let’s go, mister Tarin!
Вперёд, дядя Тарин!

Pardon, guys, but I don’t have time to play with you!
Звиняйте, парни, но мне некогда с вами возиться!

Page 22
Mister Tarin, don’t lose behind!
Дядя Тарин, не отставайте!

It is there!

Page 23
Where is Marin?!!
Где Марин?!!

Here she is.
Да вот она.


Page 24
Let Marin go!
Отпусти Марин!

Patience, lad.
Не горячись, хлопец.

OK, listen well. This world is the world of dream of ‘Fish of Wind’.
Ладно, слушай внимательно. Это мир – это мир сна «Рыбы ветра».

If creature wakes up, the dream will disappear.
Если она проснётся, её сон исчезнет.

In other words, this world is disappear!
Другими словами, исчезнет этот мир!

Page 25
I don’t forgive person, who tries to make this world disappear!
Я не прощу того, кто пытается заставить этот мир исчезнуть!

Don’t worry. Before it happens this sword makes disappear you!
А ты не волнуйся. Мой меч ещё раньше заставит исчезнуть тебя!

Don’t you understand, if this world disappears, then Marin disappears too!
Ты что, не понимаешь? Если исчезнет этот мир, то Марин тоже исчезнет!

Page 26
(You’re) saying, Marin will also disappear…
Говоришь, Марин тоже исчезнет…

Nevertheless (do you) want to defeat me?
Всё ещё хочешь одолеть меня?

Что за!


Hey, what’s wrong, I can’t concentrate on fighting!
Эй, в ч ём дело, я не могу собраться с силами!

Your lack of concentration makes you weak as a baby! 
Вот и я говорю – ты младенец против меня!

See, you even can’t protect just one woman!
Видишь, одну-единственную женщину защитить не в силах!

Page 27
Don’t touch Marin!
Не трожь Марин!


You can’t pierce my body with such hesitating sword!
Меч в нерешительной руке не в силах пронзить меня!

Page 28
You are doomed to die here!
Здесь тебе суждено погибнуть! 

Oh, it seems your father was scared and ran away!
Что такое, папочка испугался и удрал?

Page 29
And now the next blow will finish your life off!
Итак, следующий удар положит конец твоей жизни!

Link, stand up!
Вставайте, Линк!

Don’t let your dreams end here!
Не дайте вашим мечтам оборваться здесь!

Don’t let this monster confuse you!
Не позволяйте монстру сбить вас с толку!


Page 30

Link, finish you apprentice travel as soon as possible…
Линк, поскорее набирайся опыта в дальних краях…

Hyrule will wait your coming back!..
Мы все будем ждать твоего возвращения!

Princess Zelda…
Принцесса Зельда…


Right, I have a reason not to lie down in grave…
Верно, есть у меня причина, не врезать здесь дуба…

Page 31

It’s too late to get motivation!
Слишком поздно ты воспрял духом!

This is bad…
Плохо дело…

Will I die trying in vain to protect Marin?..
Неужели я так и погибну, не сумев защитить Марин?..

Be a good boy and die!
Ну всё, хорош трепыхаться!

Damn, I need, I need strength…
Сволочь… Где же мне взять силы?

Page 32

What, why?
Что, откуда?

Looks, we are just in time!
Похоже, мы как раз вовремя!

Mister Tarin!
Дядя Тарин!

OK, fairy will restore your life.
Сейчас фея восстановит тебе жизнь.

Page 33
Hot Head, en garde!
Защищайся, Горячее Пламя!

It’s your turn to be a good boy and die!
Теперь твоя очередь не трепыхаться!

Page 34
No text

Page 35

Page 36
Link, now you can go to wake up ‘Fish of Wind’.
Теперь идите будить «Рыбу ветра», Линк.

Yes, but…
Да, но…

It's OK, I believe that nothing bad will happen.
Всё в порядке, я верю, что ничего плохого не случится.

Because you are real hero with kind heart.
Потому что вы – подлинный герой с добрым сердцем.

The End