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Sunday, January 15, 2012

Rumor's of 2 New Zelda Games.

Fire Prophecy and Ice Prophecy? Obviously there's a great deal of reason to doubt this, but there's some interesting points Mases fished out of the past that make it at least worth mentioning.

Go read the original article here:
Rumor: Ninetndo working on Two Nintendo 3DS Zelda Titles

As is pointed out in the original article: These kind of images are incredibly easy to make (the art looks un-nintendo) and I'm personally doubting the two titles mentioned, and images for them, are real... It would be far more likely that they were instead made by some fans BECAUSE of the quotes. Something looks off with the text too. I don't know. Perhaps it's the lack of the "no" character, aka: の, that they always seem to use when they connect two parts of a title: in the oracle series and in "Zelda no Densetsu." On the other hand, I would not doubt that Nintendo is already working on some new Zelda games. ;) So at least there's that.

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