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Tuesday, June 12, 2012

New Doujinshi Added: Tokidoki Dokidoki Tasogaredoki

*laughs* I really wish I knew Japanese- can anyone read the title on this for me?  Tokidoki Dokidoki Tasogaredoki (sometimes - *heartbeat* - twilight time) or (Sometimes During Twilight, My Heart Beats Faster) Thanks for the translation Rinael!

Anyway, I'm currently just calling it Raspberry Stars because it's got raspberry stars on the cover; totally scientific formulas over here. It's a really cute, but short, Zelda doujinshi by Misa and Minato. I don't have a lot of Minato's work on the site, maybe because it's mostly in newer doujinshi, but I really adore her distinct style. Go here to check it out!

In other news I'm going to try to get to contest stuff first, and then I don't know where to start... There are a lot of doujinshi that need to be edited, but I don't know if my arm is well enough for that yet. So I may try to work on the next section of the official art gallery, (Adventure of Link,) or get the publication's section more up to date: There are a lot of doujinshi that we don't have that I've found, that I can add to the un-obtained/scraps section. Plus, Karnella has been extremely helpful in sorting out the info on the artist and finding the doujinka's websites, and I really need to add that info sometime soon.

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