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Thursday, August 23, 2012

Hyrule Histoira: The Most Important Developments

Kotaku got an exclusive first look at Hyrule Historia in English. I'm so happy to see it's essentially the same book. That was my first hope. My second one? Looking at the 10.2x7.2 for the Japanese version versus 12x9 for the English version: it does appear that the art is going to scaled up. Thank god. A small part of me was worried they'd just leave the images at the same size and just make the text area bigger; even though it was clear from the original pdf's released by the publisher Shogakukan that the route they're taking would be an easy route. All the art was overlayed and scaleable in those.

The other great thing? Because the aspect ratio isn't the same, it looks as if they've moved some of the art around ever so slightly. This means that parts that were covered by an overlapping image in the Japanese version might be able to be better repaired with the help of the English version. You can see what I mean about that below, with Link's foot being in different places on the red piece of art.

That's it for me: I came online to fix some layout code, did that, so I'm off again. I still got a dog to cuddle.

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