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Sunday, December 2, 2012

Because I want to post on a conversation from a forum...

Dejeckt and Vinny, and the other guys from the Cheap Ass Gamer forum (Hey there!): I know this is... a weird way to do things but, eh, what ever. It won't let me post on the forum because I just registered and 'I have to wait a few days for posting or PMing privileges' but maybe you'll see this? It's about the "500" copies thing (and my rep, lol. In the 10 years I've been doing this, I do try my best, especially when it comes to keeping info straight ;) Maybe someone will post this post as a quote over there for me? :3 ? At least until I can join in:

"According to this blog (keep in mind that I don't know how reliable this is); it seems that each major online retailers got 500 copies each to sell. So if we consider Amazon, TFAW, and B&N sold entirety of their allotted amount then there should be 2500 copies still unaccounted for."

"If the History of Hyrule blog is accurate about each retailer getting 500 copies, which seems plausible given how quickly these sold out, that only leaves 500 copies unaccounted for. Those 500 copies are likely what's going to individual comic book stores. "

I know it doesn't make the biggest difference but, the quote from Dark Horse I had posted only applied to B&N getting 500. And... it was only from their Facebook page: so that's probably something to take into consideration as well. I don't know (and never said that I knew) what the allotted numbers were for other shops, so I'm also unsure how many copies would be un-accounted for still. (Though, hey, it wouldn't be surprising if each place only got 500. It's a nice, round, number) Here's what I had posted from Dark Horse:

"B&N will get 500 Copies and it's up to them how they sell those. However, if for whatever reason B&N doesn't work out the following retailers will also have copies. This is a Limited Edition and we have to be fair to as many retailers as we can who want to sell the book."

The context for where it came from is: A few months ago I contacted the book's English editor about Hyrule Historia's page count discrepancy, and then again to let him know their stores and press releases never updated to the correct number of pages. People were asking about it on Dark Horse's Facebook page, etc. It seems the Editor may have told the company's Facebook admin what was actually correct, because the next day they were releasing their page count correction statement as a response to all the comments on the matter. They also posted that above quote as a response during that time. (It's still probably in the more recent comments there.)

So, yeah: I also wonder how many are still left to go around.

BigPopov, thank you for posting about Diamond's history with distribution orders. I'd like to mention that when reminding people they can try the actual "brick and mortar" comic book shop option.

Euripides, thank you, this is also really good (and sad) to know. I've never purchased through them before, and I know people have had questions about it, so it's another one of those things I can pass along if asked  "I have had this happen before with B&N for some other special edition books. Most orders will remain open until the release date. Then some will ship and others will get delay notices followed by a cancelation email a day or two later.

To add insult to injury it does not matter when you place an order as I have seen orders placed after me go out first (last in first out)."

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