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Monday, December 31, 2012

The Free 2013 Zelda Calendar (UPDATE)

Happy New Year! It's finally done: Just print it out and you're all set for 2013!
Thank you again to all the amazing artist's who participated to make this happen!

  • Here's the .zip with the individual pages as files: 18 Megs
  • Here's the .pdf, if that makes printing even easier for you: 23 Megs
  • Here's a smaller, lower quality, .pdf for people who don't have fast connections: 4 Megs

You can also download the .zip it on my DeviantART account.
Let me know if you have any trouble with those, or if you spot any errors. I had to shorten some of the original descriptions by the artists so they'd fit the template, so be sure to check out the original pieces for the full ones! They're great.

Sorry it took me so long to get this posted. I got it done a while ago but I wanted to double check it; then I got the flu, which prevented me from getting on the computer.

Remember, you can make your own version using the blank template and any of the spectacular 250+ entries! 


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