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Saturday, January 26, 2013

I've Been Gone, Email Replies, Etc.

I just wanted to make a little post about something that's been bothering me for ages. I realize I kind of fell off the face of the earth in September. I managed to get a few posts in here and there, sometimes I queued up some stuff on tumblr, and I got through the contest; but I wasn't around mostly due to health issue. Not stuff that should be long term, it's just slowed me down. I had a surgery that went bad, (the 2nd this year,) which has probably led to the 5 colds I've had since then (3 in Dec-Jan alone,) and I've also gotten freaked out about some family health issues and about my arm situation/not being able to draw. Some of my pets also became ill; one is going through heart failure right now so she's getting a lot of my time. It's been really hard to get her to eat, so that probably takes up 4 hours of my day.

The email account for the site, my main email (melorasworld,) has gone, for the most part, un-checked for the extent of that time. The forums have gone unchecked as well. I'm am so sorry. I have, very slowly, been getting back to people. I just didn't want anyone to take it personally or to think I was intentionally ignoring them. I've just been so scattered or completely unable to be on.

I run the site, and do the stuff I do, because I enjoy it: that will never change and I will do it for as long as I can. So I know, without a doubt, that it will all get going again. I can promise it will. I'm not the kind of person who easily tires of things. I just can't guess at the time frame.

I love all of you for all your help and contributions, I hope I can get everything people have sent me posted and addressed  and shared very soon. I know it might not be realistic to say I can do it quickly, but you can trust that every day that I can do something, I will be trying to do that.

Thanks guys,


  1. Glad to hear you still like it to run this site. Take the time for the important things. Family etc.

  2. I love it love it love it. It makes me happy :) It's why I'm so bummed when I don't manage to get as much done. ~There's just so much I can't wait to do for it! :D

  3. Great to know you are just fine, we will just hang a little more tight while you return with full power XD XD XD XD Cheers!!!!
