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Saturday, December 17, 2016

Switching Hosts

Sorry for the inconvenience, I'm switching web hosts and things probably wont be up and running for another month or two due to life being crazy. ;)

1: I can't send you files; there's thousands upon thousands of scanned of pages on the site and, literally, the reason the site isn't re-launched is because I don't have free time right now. Sending individual people stuff would take longer than just getting it back online.

2: If you want to reach me, my email is
You can also contact me through FB:
But, again, I don't have free time, so if it's not a short thing you may not hear back. Not meaning to be rude; it's just a mix of everything in life including major chronic health issues, work, art, pets, family, prepping a house for sale, looking for another, (minecraft) etc etc etc.

3: This site has downloads of a lot of my scans and those of others, I use to be staff there:

4: Not to be crude or lewd, but if you just want rare Zelda comics, and don't mind (or perhaps like) porn, the adult site is still up and running because it's always just been on blogger. It was never hosted like a full-scale site.

5: there's still art on the flickr account:

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