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Sunday, November 7, 2021

Keeping Track of the Translated 4koma!

Not much of the Legend of Zelda 4koma has been translated and, what was done, was done nearly 20 years ago. Unfortunately google hasn't done anything to keep track of what's been on the site during all those years so I decided to make a flickr gallery to have a better visual way for everyone to stay current. I still have some things to add because Anastasia, who did so much work for the original site, had made translations of things we hadn't even scanend yet. You can technically find those translations here

If you would like to translate any of the Legend of Zelda 4koma, please do!
If you would like to add the translations to the new scans, please do! We certainly need better scanlations than these small ones made for my old site back when bandwidth was incredibly expensive so images had to stay pretty small.

You can find all of the new, high resolution scans, on my profile: historyofhyrule.

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