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Friday, April 29, 2022

Updated: First time ever online: Incredibly rare 16 page Hyrule Fantasy manga/gamebook from 1986

This is being cleaned and edited by MiloScat

Update May 10, 2022: Translation added below.
If anyone wants to make nice scanlations: go for it. I just don't have enough free time right now

Go here for the full set of scans on 

This is an incredibly rare 16 page Choose Your Own Adventure-esque Manga for the original Legend of Zelda from Shogakukan's magazine for 2nd Graders: The July 1986 issue.

Composition: Makimura Tadashi
Artist: Hikino Shinji

While it's not much of a CYOA, it's still a simple one. Which I think also makes it, speaking technically, possibly the 2nd playable game for the series. The original game was released at the end of February in 1986 and this is roughly 4 months later. The Gamebook, Mirage Castle, would then be the next one I think... I believe that's from August of '86. Anyway, this section of the magazine is meant to introduce, and then walk, 7-8 year olds through how to play the original Legend of Zelda. It's actually more comprehensive in some ways than a lot of our Western guide and tip books. After going through it I thoroughly endorse this way of teaching kids game concepts! I wish I had something like this; I was around the intended age for this when the original game came out and that was more than a little confusing for me to try and figure out on my own.

Also, I think the art is incredibly spot-on and perfect, more so than most things I have seen. (Honestly I am absolutely in love with it, I wish we had a full manga for Hyrule Fantasy in this style.) The little glimpses we get of the enemy design (except the one tektite on the cover, lol) and dungeon entrances and rooms nail it. All the characters are rather perfect too, especially considering we didn't really have official art of Ganon's face! This might be the closest official thing to it at the time and I'm not sure where this would have been seen in Japan because I never saw it in any of the old Japanese publications I've been able to find. (First time I saw it was in Hyrule Graphics/Art and Artifacts) All the unofficial guide art for Ganon seems to be based on the game sprites.

Keep in mind that Nintendo did a lot of publishing through Shogakukan too. In the 80's Nintendo seemed to work more with Tokuma Shoten on official stuff, so I'm not sure how closely they were working with Shogakukan at this time but, at least in the 90's: I know they did the majority of their official guides & this magazine run does seem to enjoy close ties. If anyone knows more about their shared history, please let me know!

These were old copies that were scanned and emailed to me by a Japanese fan for the collection here. I can not thank them enough. Without people like them, where would we ever be! Always keep in the back of your mind how many incredible individuals that have done something to help contribute to finding all of this stuff that could have stayed lost. 

So this magazine, and its sister publications for other grade levels, don't seem to have been saved by many people (I'm guessing it would kind of be like finding a Highlights magazine saved anywhere but in a dusty basket at a pediatrician's office) but they are chalked full of original game comics and info. Unfortunately it's really rare to see issues show up. If you know of anyone who is collecting them: please let me know. I would love to get in touch and work together with them on preserving it. Though not comprehensive, there is always a list of what I am looking for in the Wanted section of the Flickr gallery

Other Keywords: The Legend of Zelda, Zelda 1, The Hyrule Fantasy, Gamebook, ゼルダの伝説, Manga, Magazine, Zelda, LoZ, tLoZ, RAW, RAWS, scan, scans, high res, high rez, high resolution, Link, Princess Zelda, Ganon, Triforce, Hyrule, Nintendo, NES, Famicom, Family Computer, book, videogame, magazine, kids, child, book, ゲームブック

Update: Translation!

-Translated for History of Hyrule by Aquamentus

↑ Page 1:
Top right: Family Computer is a trademark of Nintendo. Original story © Nintendo
Famicom Manga: The Legend of Zelda
Cover page: “Go Link! Head to Death Mountain where danger and mysteries await!”
Composition: Makimura Tadashi
Artist: Hikino Shinji

↑ Page 2:
1st Blue Bubble: A long long time ago, Princess Zelda, of a small country in the region of Hyrule, was taken along with the Triforce of Power by the evil King Ganon
Text at bottom of first panel: Triforce of Power
2nd panel, white square 1: The young boy Link, having heard about what happened, set his heart on standing up to Ganon and gathering the 8 pieces of the Triforce of Wisdom that had been separated.
2nd panel, white square 2: However the pieces of the Triforce had been hidden away in 8 mysterious dungeons. The location of Death Mountain, where Princess Zelda is being held captive, was also shrouded in mystery.
Text next to Link: Link
Text under the Triforce: Triforce of Wisdom
Text next to Impa: The Wet Nurse Impa

↑ Page 3:
1st panel, narrator: Starting off Link doesn't have any weapons... 
2nd panel, Link: "Oh, it's a cave, let's look..."
3rd panel, narrator: In the cave was an old man who was allied with Princess Zelda and he gives Link a sword
4th panel, old man: "However this sword is particularly weak and there will be enemies you can't beat with it."
5th panel, old man: You need to hurry and find the white sword and the magical sword, which are hidden somewhere in Hyrule
5th panel, Link: Got it!
(Sword chart:) 
--Regular sword, attack power of 1.
--White sword, attack power of 2.
--Magical sword, attack power of 3.
6th panel, Old man: However, even if you find these swords, if your level isn't high enough, you won’t be able to wield them.
Link: Got it!
7th panel, Old man: Now Link, do you know what you have to do to level up?
Link: ummmm...
--Box: Collect the pieces of the Triforce, Choose A
--Box: Gather Heart Containers, Choose B (The word is like a canteen, like something that holds liquid)
Text at the bottom: Select an option and turn the page.

↑ Page 4: 
Select A: Unfortunately, Link's level doesn't increase with the acquisition of Triforce pieces. Continue onto B
Link: "Oh no"
Select B: Correct! If you collect heart containers Link's level will increase and he will be able to wield the swords. If you get 5 hearts you will be able to wield the white sword. With 12 hearts you will be able to wield the magical sword.
Link:  I did it!
Panel 3, from option B: Link "Oh no, it's an Octorok!!
Panel 4, Link: Darn Octorok!! Take this!
Panel 5,: Link: What? He turned into a rupee?!
Narration: A Rupee is what's used for currency. If you get a lot of them you can buy many kinds of things
Bottom Panel, 6: Link: The dungeons have lots of strong enemies in them so, before I go, I should collect a lot of rupees and equip myself.
Narration: There are many instances where the blue tektites will have rupees. It is also quite easy to gather rupees in dungeons, particularly Level 2.

↑ Page 5:
Panel 1, Link: I've got rupees but... 
Link: where can I buy weapons.
Panel 2, voice: over here, over here!
Panel 3, man: GWAHAHAHA
Panel 4, Merchant: I'm a merchant, what do ya want?
bubble 2, merchant: you can buy other things in other caves but I am having a sale right now
bubble 3, Link: Hmm… What to buy…?
Narrator between panels: among the things you can buy there are some things you really should get: 
--the candle:
--the arrow: [items you will be required to use at some point in a dungeon]
--the bait:
--the blue ring: When hit by an enemy, you’ll only ever take half damage.
Merchant: outside of these 4 items there's one more item that would be very beneficial for you to buy!!
Last panel, Link: Uhh..
Link: huh, I wonder which one?!
Merchant: BWAHAHA
2 options:
--A (head to) : Magical shield
--B: Key for a dungeon door
Text at the bottom: Once you’ve made your choice, go to the next page.

↑ Page 6:
If you answered B: Link says: Crap.
Narrator: It's a sad day for you! You can pick up keys in the dungeons so there's no need to buy them. Proceed to A.
Narration box Answer A: Great job!! The magical shield can repel enemy attacks, tt's a very handy item!
Link: Ah
Box: Zora
3rd panel: Box: Moblin
Link: AH!
Link: That smarts! They got me from behind!!
4th panel, Narrator: If all of Link's hearts turn white, Link dies
Link: I've been hit by a bunch of enemies and I'm running out of hearts!!
5th panel: I'm not getting a lot of hearts out of this... (shows a rupee and bomb being dropped by enemies)
6th panel: Link: Oh! A fountain, if I drink the water, maybe my vigor will be restored!
Enemies: Stop right there!

↑ Page 7:
Fairy: Oh Link, I'm glad you've come. 
Fairy: I'm going to fill all of your heart containers for you (using the same canteen word, like they're a physical object that can be filled with heart)
Link: Ah! It's a fairy!!
Panel 2, Link: Yeah! My hearts are full
Panel 3, Fairy: Please remember this fountain where I am....
Fairy: If your hearts decrease you can come by anytime
Panel 4, Link: YEAH!!
Panel 5, Narrator: Besides fairies, the medicine that the old women sell can also be used to fill your hearts
Old woman: If you bring me a letter from the old man I'll sell these to you
-- Red potion.
--Blue Potion.
Panel 6, Narrator: Of particular note is the red potion, which you can use twice. With that, even if you're in a pinch in a dungeon or something, you can finish it without having to exit the dungeon each time you want to heal.
Link: Alright I'm going to buy it !!

↑ Page 8:
Panel 1: Link: The only thing left for me to prepare is to make sure I’ve got a full count of bombs so that I can make paths by destroying the dungeon walls. Once I've done that I can head to the labyrinths! Let's Go!!
Narrator: Blue moblins often carry bombs
Panel 2: Route to Level 1
Panel 3, Link: Let's challenge the labyrinth!
Panel 4, box: Entrance to the Labyrinth
Panel 5, Box: Dungeon Level 1
Narrator: Once you've entered a dungeon, try to find the map and compass as soon as possible
Panel 6, Link: Ah! There it is, the map

↑ Page 9:
Panel 1, Link: I also found the compass!!
Panel 2, box: Full map of level 1
text top: The room with the Triforce in it.
text side: The compass will tell you where the room with the Triforce is
Panel 3: Link: Alright, let's hurry to the room with the Triforce
Panel 4: Whoa, what the heck! Oh no!
Box: It's a trap
Panel 5, Link: Keh!
Last panel, Link: There's some stairs leading down but there's blocks in the way!!

↑ Page 10:
Link: Ah, this block moves!!
Panel 2, Link: I did it!
Link: There was a treasure in the room beneath the previous room, and it was the bow!
Panel 3, Narrator: Besides the bow, you can also find the wooden boomerang in Level 1.
Narrator: Each dungeon has at least one, but possibly more, treasures hidden away so search realllll hard for them!
Panel 4, Link: Alright! It’s time to head for the room with the Triforce!
Box: Aquamentus
Panel 5, Link: WHOA! This must be the monster defending the triforce!

↑ Page 11:
Link: Khyaa! If I stab Aquamentus enough times, I’m sure to beat him!
Narrator: Just like this there's always a monster guarding the triforce, with each having a distinct way to defeat them.
Panel 2: Once you defeat the beast a heart container will appear so make sure to not forget it!
Panel 3, Link: I did it! I finally got a triforce piece!!
Panel 4, Link: What? I'm above ground
Narrator: Once you take the triforce you're automatically taken outside of the dungeon
Panel 5, narrator: If you blow a hole in the side of a great boulder somewhere, you can get another heart container.
Narrator: Do your best to get a heart container from this place and then find the White Sword. Once you do, battles will become much easier.
Link: Alright, next is level 2!!
Narrator: Level 2 is quite far east (to the right) of level one, within a forest

↑ Page 12:
Box: Dungeon Level 2
Narrator: Level 2's treasure is a magical boomerang. It can fly much further than the wooden boomerang
Panel 2, narrator: The beast defending the triforce is dodongo
Panel 3, Link: Whoa!
Panel 4, Link: I’ll beat that dodongo by using my bombs!
In Red, Link: Ready and…
Narrator: Once Link has gotten the 2nd triforce piece he heads directly to level 3
Panel 8, Box: Dungeon Level 3
Narrator: Do your best to get a heart container from this place and then find the White Sword. Once you do, battles will become much easier.
Box: Manhandla

↑ Page 13: Level 4 is in a lake. You can get the raft in level 3, so just use that to head out from the dock/pier
Panel 2, Box: Dungeon Level 4
Bottom Box: Gleeok
Narrator: Make sure to get Level 4’s treasure: the ladder
Link: Whoa this guy's pretty tough!
Panel 3, Narrator: You can find level 5 if you keep going up, up, up in the lost mountains
Panel 4: For Level 6, you can take a shortcut through the Lost Woods by walking as pictured below.
Panel 5, Link: Aha! What’s that in front of the grave....
Sword: Make sure to get the Magical Sword from an old man in the graveyard along the way to level 6 after you exit the forest

↑ Page 14:
box: Dungeon level 5
Link: I found the flute... but what can I use it on?
Panel 3, Link: Whoa, my magical sword is ineffective!
Box: Digdogger
Panel 4, Link: Whoa!
Panel 5, Link: Oh no, at this rate I'll be beaten!
Panel 6, Link: Oh that's right, digdogger is weak to sound, so I’ll use that item I got!
Panel 7, Link: I did it!
Panel 8, box: Dungeon level 6
Box: Goohma
Link: Oh whoa the magical sword is ineffective against this guy too!
Link: Huh? It seems to keep opening and closing its eye. That's gotta be the weak point!

↑ Page 15:
Link: I did it!
Panel 2, box: Dungeon 7, Dungeon 8
Link: I did it! <3
Panel 3, Link: Level 7 and 8 have monsters that are the same as the ones I previously encountered, so I cleared them out quickly... but the dungeon layouts are so complex I'm using up all my bombs~~~
Panel 4, box: Level 9, Death mountain
Link: So you've shown your face, Ganon, prepare yourself!!

↑ Page 16:
Link: Yahhh!
Link: hyaaa!
Panel 2, Link: Oh this is bad! Ganon seems impervious to my attacks!
Panel 3, Link: WHOA
Panel 4, Link: I'll drink the Water of Life!!
Panel 5, Link: Power up!
Link: Prepare yourself Ganon!!
Panel 6, Ganon: Uwargh! I'm defeated~~~!!
Panel 7, Link: I did it! I've recovered the Triforce of Power!

↑ Page 17:
Panel 1, Link: Ah! Princess Zelda, you're okay!!
Zelda: Thank you Link, you saved me
Panel 2: And just like that Link defeated the evil King Ganon and took up the Triforce of Power
--Triforce over Link: Power
--Triforce over Zelda: Wisdom
and was able to save the Princess Zelda

Panel 3: The August issue Famicom manga is Star Soldier- look forward to it!

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