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Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Archival Scans of the Legend of Zelda 4koma Gag Battle by Kobunsha

Here are the 600dpi scans posted on

I've started scanning the 26ish volumes of Legend of Zelda 4-Koma and I'm actually going to post large versions of it, which I usually don't do, but it's only because I think the chances of it having a market to be republished are pretty slim. I'm trying to make sure I support publishers but, also, it's a shame something disappears because it's been unavailable for decades so I'm trying to figure out the balance there.

The Legend of Zelda 4koma Gag Battle
A 4koma for A Link to the Past for the GBA
Published by Kobunsha
ISBN4-334-80590-6 / C9979
First Published Date: July 10, 2003

Artist Information (Source)
  • [勇者様 リターンズ!] - 人参So.
  • [もうひとつ] - 福永朱示
  • [勇者道中記] - 京侍洋那
  • [怖いものなしの向こう見ず] - 高沢浩里
  • [カミトラ!] - サイキユニ
  • [どっちも世界!!] - 七谷文
  • [ナイトLV1] - 五十嵐愛美
  • [オカリナ宅配便] - 牧原ひさと
  • [表裏いったりきたり] - 月野出伽夜
  • [オカリナ ふいたら] - こうた
  • [光と闇のおはなし] - 三津浦彩
  • [伝説は夜に生まれる。] - 枉未和己
  • [オタクのつぼ] - 大賀一五
  • [ハイラルの表裏] - たかのはしふみこ
  • [のほほんと冒険] - 大久保みどり
  • [ゼルダ系] - 清正
  • [冒険日和] - 神武ひろよし
  • [がんばっていこう] - 都波みなと
  • カバーイラスト…人参So./京侍洋那/大賀一五
  • 総扉イラスト…福永朱示
  • 目次イラスト…五十嵐愛美

 Any translations will be posted to this Flickr album for now.

I am super sad these never got popular. They're so awesome! I've had small scans of most of the pages on since 2002-2004 and I haven't even seen so much as a meme from them. And they are so meme worthy! Only 1 out of roughly 26 Zelda 4komas have been translated so, if you would like to translate this, even just sections of it, please go ahead and let me know!

If you use these pages please always link back to the main website though, so people can find more information and rare materials, or even help me find more!

Here are examples and info on the other 4koma, they're for the games LttP, LA, OoT, MM, WW, OoA, and OoS. I will be scanning them all in the coming weeks: Here's what you can expect to see.

Keywords: The Legend of Zelda, Link to the Past, 4koma, ゼルダの伝説, 神々のトライフォース, Zelda, tLoZ, LoZ, aLttP, Lttp, A Link to the Past, The Legend of Zelda, Zeruda no Densetsu: Kamigami no Triforce, The Legend of Zelda: Triforce of the Gods, SNES, Super Famicom, 600ppi, RAW, RAWS, scan, scans, high res, high rez, high resolution, Link, Ganon, Princess Zelda, Hyrule, Nintendo, book, videogame, Comics, Manga, 4-koma, Yonkoma, 4コマ漫画, LoZ, Nintendo,

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