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Sunday, October 30, 2022

Sorry for the absence

Update February 8, 2023: Turns out that the reason I've had a hard time getting much done since last summer is because I'm going through the beginning stages of Addison's Disease. This is a rare, often life altering and deadly, autoimmune disorder where my body attacks my adrenal glands and, eventually, I will stop producing essential hormones. The fix is simple in theory: you just take the hormones your body is no longer able to produce. The devil is in the details though but, hopefully, I'll still be working away on scans and official art with just some hiccups happening in the background. People with it, on the right doses of the right medications, can apparently live fairly normal lives and lifespans so... here we go!

Update Jan 22, 2023: It was a nightmare to try to work on a macbook, it takes me days to accomplish tasks that only take a few hours on a PC, so I just gave up and decided to play videogames until my back got better. It's mid January now, 2023, and I'm finally starting to be able to sit at a desk again so hopefully I'll be working again soon. Spinal disk injuries are simply slow to heal.

I also think my anxiety and lack of energy and brain fog may have just been my thyroid medication needing to be on a higher dose. Now that that is being adjusted it's going away and I'm actually able to focus on tasks like I could before.

Original Post October 2022: I'm setting up a new laptop so I can work on things again!

If you follow me on twitter you'll see that I've been taking care of my mom, who has terminal cancer, for the past year and a half. For a little while, in the past few months, my anxiety and ADHD started to get bad and I stopped being able to focus on anything but her. It started to level out but one thing I didn't post about, until yesterday, is that I hurt my back a few weeks ago and have basically been stuck in bed ever since. I can't actually sit in a chair because the pressure on the hurt spot in my spine is unbearable so I finally decided I just need to set everything up so I can work on things in bed. Honestly I thought it would heal up on its own after 5 weeks, because that often happens, so I didn't try to make any accommodations to work on things because I thought I would be able to go back to my normal set-up. So basically I just played a whole lot of videogames (mainly finished a bunch of projects in my Minecraft world, lol.) But now it's clear I might be this way for quite a bit and I'm super tired of not making any progress on Zelda preservation, translations, and art. It's honestly driving me crazy. So I'm sucking it up and am going to make it work somehow.

I also got a new backup drive that's HUGE. Somehow I managed to fill up my last new one, that was 2TB, in just a few months  of scanning and downloading scans and art. lol, whoops! So over the next few days I will be moving files and trying to get back to people and organize my mind so I can figure out where I left off and where I need to start up again.

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