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Sunday, March 19, 2023

High Res Scans: 1200-2400dpi Jitsugyo no Nihon Sha Legend of Zelda Strategy Guide

Read the book here. I scanned this at 1200dpi and the pages with art were scanned at 2400dpi.

The Legend of Zelda (z1) Strategy Guide
  • May 28th,1986
  • ISBN 63912-70
  • Planning & Editing: Studio Hard
    • Hideaki Oide
    • Shuichi Matsumoto
    • Takeshi Yoshikawa
  • Super Game Player
    • Hiroaki Nagata
    • Koichi Watanabe
  • Cover and Text Illustration
    • MARUDA®
    • Makoto Hidaka
  • Cover and Text Design: Hideaki Kinjo
  • To Issue: Yoshikazu Masuda
  • Issuer: Yoshikazu Ichitsuda
  • Publisher: Jitsugyo no Nihon Sha
  • Head officeL 1-7-9 Ginza, Chou-ku, Tokyo 104
  • Printing and Binding: Dainippon Printing

Other Keywords: The Legend of Zelda, Strategy Guide, Zelda 1, Hyrule Fantasy, ゼルダの伝説, Zelda, LoZ, tLoZ, ppi, RAWS, scan, scans, high res, high rez, high resolution, Link, Impa, Ganon, Princess Zelda, Hyrule, Nintendo, NES, Famicom, Family Computer, book, videogame, Game Guide, Guide, NES, FC, Map, ファミマガ, ファミリーコンピュータ, ファミリーコンピュータ マガジン, Gaming, Nintendo, Retro, Art, Illustrations

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