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Wednesday, March 22, 2023

I might be scarce for a while

Alright, I'm getting ready to travel for a major surgery and really have no idea what recovery will be like for me. I might be able to type and do some stuff pretty soon afterwards. Or... not. It really varies from person to person. So I hope it all goes well and I see everyone in 2-3ish weeks! But I don't know. I've also only posted about this a little but my mom has stage IV cancer (terminal cancer) and she is also going to be traveling for a last ditch treatment. I'm pretty worried about both of us because I have an autoimmune disorder called Addison's disease, which means my immune system already doesn't work well, and also means I'm on immunosuppressants or my body starts to shut down, and my mom is obviously at high risk because of her cancer treatments and immune system as well. So... wish us luck? I'm pretty fucking nervous for both of us. I'd wait on getting surgery until after hers but the mask mandates in hospitals is going to end, and I already use to get sick for weeks every time I had to go to a hospital, and I can't wear an N95 the whole time I'm recovering: so hearing about the end to the mandates means that this is basically my last shot to even have a shot. I'm also expecting there's a decent probability I might not see my mom again after this weekend since she has to fly long distance to a specialist center, and can't even be vaccinated because she has a history of severe adverse reactions to vaccines. (She actually tried even though she knew this, it did not go well.) So, anyway, I'm kind of a mess. 

1 comment:

  1. Надеюсь у вас обеих всё будет хорошо!
