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Sunday, March 19, 2023

Rare Art Scan: Pyramid of Power (also: WANTED!)

This may not look like much but this is a piece of (very likely) official Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past art that only seems to be found in the 1992, number 3, issue of Famimaga (Family Computer Magazine) Thanks to @Kobun20 for id'ing the issue for me and to the collector brycecorp where I originally saw the photo.

I scanned it at 2400dpi

I believe it is part of the set of official art from the game manual: Such as Link being awoken from his sleep by Princess Zelda's telepathic plea, them fleeing through the sewers, Link on the cliff looking at the Tower of Hera, etc. Each issue of this magazine contains part of a walkthrough for the game. Each section starts with one of those pieces of official art. This is the only one that hasn't been seen before. So I do think it came from the same studio that did that official art and that was just never used until they needed an extra piece for this magazine spread. Cutting room floor causality, if you will. This has happened a few times, for example there was enemy art for Link to the Past that we never saw before until the Art and Artifacts artbook (the blue Daria.) The Ocarina of Time manual also has an image of Link not seen in any other publication. (In the very beginning, his face is overlaid on Ganon's boot.)

Anyway, if you see this image anywhere else, please write me right away!

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