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Saturday, December 30, 2023

I'm back to working on things as I can

I'm slowly working on getting back to people. I'm doing one thing at a time, so I do them right, and I'm trying to find a balance of doing them in the order of which they came in and urgency.

If you've been following on Twitter you know that I had a double mastectomy to prevent breast cancer this year, and it turned out doctors had missed I actually had breast cancer. This happened while caretaking for my mom who was dying of cancer, and then she passed away. And that fucking sucks because my mom was such an incredibly special person. Then my grandma passed away. I'm in charge of both of their estates and for some reason that is vastly more work than one would imagine. I'm also going to need another major surgery because I grew a bunch of fibroids (lady-junk issues) causing me to be severely anemic for a few months now.

I also got diagnosed with Addison's Disease late last year. It's an autoimmune disorder where body kills your adrenal glands and you no longer make some of the hormones necessary for life. If you hear people say they can't function because they have "adrenal fatigue" it's like the severe version of that. It makes you horrifically fatigued and foggy headed. The good news is that you can just take the hormones you don't make but the bad news is is that the amount you need changes based on stress, sleep, environmental temperature, etc, and you kind of just have to guess if you need more. (Too much is bad for you as well.) There is no way to measure it outside of how you start to feel a few hours after you realize you needed more. It also means I don't really have a functioning immune system because it makes it so your T-cells don't want to fight infections, (even if you are taking the right amount of hormones your body simply doesn't act the same when you can't produce them yourself, as needed,) most specifically lung infections, and the hormones you have to take for it are also immunosuppressants: Double whammy. So I'm pretty much the boy in the bubble now. It's also going to make the upcoming surgery more risky for several reasons. I really wish hospital staff had to wear masks around people like me. You can ask but then you wake up from surgery and like half of them aren't wearing them any more.

I also just bought a house, which I've been dreaming of doing for a very long time now, and I was hoping it was move in ready so I could go and be closer to a good hospital and get the surgery I need... But it turns out the inspector missed it was absolutely coated in black mold and all that above means it will just kill me if I try to live in it. So, yeah, trying to figure that one out right now and all I can say is's been a year.

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