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Saturday, December 30, 2023

Scans of A Link to the Past Manga by Noboru Sakaoka and Mario-kun by Hiroshi Takase

This has never been online before. I just 2400dpi scanned & uploaded this 8 page Zelda: Link to the Past 神々のトライフォース manga by Noboru Sakaoka 坂丘のぼる from Shogaku Ninensei, February 1992. Find it here.

This is probably my favorite panel from it:

I have also uploaded 1200dpi RAWS for the Mario (Mario-kun) comic and content (including a cool little pyramid cut-out) by Hiroshi Takase that was in this issue. You can find the zip for that download here.

Other Keywords: Zelda, LoZ, tLoZ, RAW, RAWS, scan, scans, high res, high rez, high resolution, Link, Princess Zelda, Ganon, Triforce, Hyrule, Nintendo, SNES, Super Famicom, videogame, magazine, kids, child, aLttP, Lttp, A Link to the Past, The Legend of Zelda, The Legend of Zelda, ゼルダの伝説, Link to the Past, 神々のトライフォース, Magazine, Art

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