Showing posts with label announcement. Show all posts
Showing posts with label announcement. Show all posts

Friday, September 14, 2012

Contest Update!

Contest Entry: The Rebirth of Ganondorf by Jujulica

All the new entries for the fanart calendar contest have been added to the gallery! If you don't see yours there, please email me and resend. There were some amazing ones... but!

We need more entries, there were only 10 sent in the past 2 months. Please join us to help make an amazing (free) calendar for all fans! Also, prizes! You can win stuff! I'll be adding more prizes soon and a participation prize is going to be given away to someone who has a valid entry in by this Sunday (the 16th) --but the real contest doesn't end until the end of November! More info here.

Also, if you missed my past note on this: I've been fairly ill lately so I'm pretty much only going to be able to focus on the contest and not a lot of the other stuff I wanted to get done. Hopefully I'll be able to fit other little things in as well, but I have to take it day by day. Replies will basically be slightly slower.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Caught up on replies for the contest

I'm going to go watch Game of Thrones now; recorded the whole season but haven't seen any of it yet! THAT'S SOME REAL ZELDA DEDICATION!

Basically, if you wrote with a question about the contest, email me again. I didn't get if I haven't replied.

Non-contest emails & replies? I still have a bunch of those to get too though. I suck DX

The fanlisting scripts are still busted: will take care of that tomorrow if I can get to the other replies and translation project stuff first.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Server Outage

The main site is down, but at least it's got nothing to do with us this time. It's just the host: a typical glitch and nothing to worry about. They just have to get their servers running again and it will be back up.

In other news, I've been trying to get organized and to get back to people over the past 2 days. Will probably use tomorrow for that as well. I have a bunch of info to update on the main site too. So, until I have time for more, please check out the official art I've started to add to the temporary official art gallery on flickr, and go enjoy our tumblr! I queue up a bunch of art so there's always a steady stream of goodies to follow :) and then there are always more great stuff on our Facebook page!

And feel free to ask questions or make suggestions about what you would like to see!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

1 month anniversary of being open!

In only one month there's been such major ups, and downs, that's for sure! X)
But yay! Hopefully, soon, I'll have more server room which means room for growth!
Thank you to everyone who has visited and sent such amazing comments and well wish my way. It means so much! Zelda attracts such awesome people!

Much love,

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Welcome to History of Hyrule on Blogger


History of Hyrule is officially open! We'll soon be using the account to keep track of other awesome Zelda stuff found on blogger & for the more important site news and events. Follow us here if this is a good way for you to keep up with us :)

And thank you so much everyone, I'm so excited!