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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Akira Himekawa's Animal Artbook

I knew about this thanks to Saphine helping me translate parts of Akira Himekawa's blog a while back, but I never thought about looking for it. Anyway, I finally looked, and here's the info on it! I was assuming it's an art book, but it sounds like it may just be illustrated short stories or even a manga. It's still for sale too, I'm just trying to save money right now. If anyone gets this, please think of us.. and maybe send a few pictures of the inside! ~Thanks!

Japanese Title:
シートン動物記 (小学館 学習まんがシリーズ) [単行本]

Seton Animal Chronicles series Shogakukan Manga learning
/ E · T · Seaton Original Akira Himekawa / Manga

Origainl Japanese Product Description:

シートンによる名作がまんがで読める、楽しめる! 姫川明氏の迫力あるタッチで描かれる動物たちに思いっきり感情移入できる作品です。「ロボ オオカミの王」、「サンドヒルのオジカ」「スプリングフィールドのキツネ」「白いトナカイ」の4作品を収録。登場する動物についてのコラム、シートンに関する記事も収録しています。


Original Japanese Product Details:
単行本: 150 pages
Publisher: 小学館 (2012/2/10)
Language: 日本語
ISBN-10: 4092966032
ISBN-13: 978-4092966031
Release Date: 2012/2/10
Product Dimensions: 7.1 x 4.9 x 0.6 inches

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