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Thursday, January 17, 2013

Newly Found Old-School Zelda Art That's To Die For

Actually, it was posted by the content blog oldtypenewtype about 3 months ago but, as you can tell, I haven't been around (apologies for that are due as well.) But, seriously, if you know me at all, you know how I'm in heaven right now. I mean, this kind of art is the reason I built History of Hyrule over 10 years ago.


Haruhiko Mikimoto illustration of Link & Zelda for the Famicom review of Legend of Zelda in the 6/1986 Newtype."

If you would like to see the original posts, you can go here and here for them: Link and Zelda and Link in Action.

Thanks go, once again, to Cavalier, for pointing me towards awesomeness.

By the way, read some of Cavalier’s writing if you haven’t. He helps with the manga and doujinshi localizations on the site, making rough translations a thing of beauty.

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