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Monday, January 28, 2013

Tumblr "Ask" Blogs

I just wanted to bring more attention to this thread I started, I know I need to go through it and update it SO: if you know of other "Ask" blogs, please help me by adding to the list.

Please (!) help me add to this list :3 Just leave links as comments, it's okay if it's your own!
It must have SOME content. Ones that are no longer updated are fine to add but, if one has been completely deleted, please let me know. Blogs with OCs are welcome to be added only if they are in a blog staring canon a character(s) as well.


Skyward Sword:
TP, Oot & Cross Game Mixes:
Chibi-ish Games:
Other Games:

They're loosely organized by character name:

Ask Agitha:
Ask Anju:

Ask Beedle:
Ask (Pirate Captain) Bellum:
Ask Bucha (the Kikwi Elder):

Ask Cawlin:
Ask the Cucco:

Ask Demise:
Ask Dokumi:

Ask Eagus:
Ask Epona:
ASk Ezlo:

Ask Fado:
Ask Faron:
Ask Farore:
Ask Fi:
Ask Fi (Spirit of the Sword):
Ask Fi (The Sword Spirit):
Ask Fi (Goddess of the Sword):
Ask (Badass) Fi:
Ask (Dark) Fi (Fa):
Ask Fledge:
Ask (Female) Fledge:

Ask Ganondorf:
Ask Ganondorf:
Ask Ganondorf (the Dark Lord of All)
Ask (Mr. Dragmire) Ganondorf:
Ask (Dark Lord) Ganondorf:
Ask (the Gerudo King) Ganondorf:
Ask Ganon's (Asscheeks):
Ask Ganondorf (Old Man Ganny):
Ask (Gay) Ganondorf:
Ask Ganondorf Dragmire:
Ask (Wind Waker) Ganon:
Ask the Great Deku Tree:
Ask the Great Fairy:

Ask the Happy Mask Salesman:
Ask the Happy Mask Shop:
Ask Hena:
Ask (Instructor) Horwell:
Ask Hylia (the goddess and protector of time):

Ask Ilia:
Ask Impa:
Ask Impa (Servent of the Goddess)
Ask Impa (the Sheikah):

Ask Japas:

Ask Kaepora Gaebora:
Ask Kafei:
Ask (Adult) Kafei:
Ask Karane:
Ask (Lady) Karane:
Ask Karane:
Ask Keaton:
Ask Kina:
Ask Komali:
Ask Kikiel:

Ask Lanayru:
Ask Laruto:
Ask (Captain) Linebeck:
Ask Linebeck:
Ask (Link's Red) Loftwing:

Ask Majora:
Ask Majora's Mask:
Ask Mallara:
Ask Medli:
Ask Mido:
Ask Morpha:

Ask Nabooru:
Ask (the Sage of Spirits) Nabooru:
Ask Navi:
Ask Navi:
Ask Niko:

Ask Oolo (the Kikwi):
Ask Ordona:
Ask (Instructor) Owlan:
Ask (Instructor) Owlan:

Ask Peatrice:
Ask the Phantom:
Ask (Literally) Pipit:
Ask (Flirty) Pipit:
Ask (Pocket) Pipit:
Ask (Good Guy) Pipit:
Ask Pipit:
Ask (Female) Pipit:
Ask the Poe Collector:
Ask the Poe Sisters:
Ask the Postman:

Ask (Prince) Ralis:
Ask Renado:
Ask Romani:
Ask Ruto:
Ask (Dark) Ruto:
Ask (Zora Princess) Ruto:
Ask (Princess) Ruto:

Ask Saria:
Ask Saria:
Ask Saria (Kokiri):
Ask (Adult) Saria:
Ask Shad:
Ask Sheik:
Ask (Dark) Sheik:
Ask Sheik:
Ask the Silent Guardians:
Ask Sparrot:
Ask Strich:

Ask Talon:
Ask Tatl:
Ask Tatl (the Fairy):
Ask Telma:
Ask (Pirate) Tetra:
Ask Tetra:
Ask Tingle:

Ask Vaati:
Ask Vaati:
Ask Vaati:
Ask (SeƱor ) Vaati:
Ask (the Lady) Volvagia:

Ask Zant:
Ask Zephos (Holy Priest of Hylia):

Thank go to all the creators and to Flor O. for giving me a billion links to add to this list, everyone who left an ask below, and to who also helped fill some missing parts in with their master list.

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