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Thursday, December 13, 2012

Newly Released Himekawa Art and Publication, Plus: Blank Manga Pages

Thanks Feri, for letting me know about this piece. You rock!

So, for those of you who didn't know, Akira Himekawa did the "Stained Glass Windows" official art for the Wind Waker. Proof is here:

And they JUST posted this picture online. (10 year WW celebration) It's another one of their sketches in that style, and this is what they had to say about it:


(Anyone want to give an accurate translation?) It's so cute, enjoy!

If you would like to see more of Akira Himekawa's sketches and random Zelda art, please visit our album for it on Facebook.

Blank Skyward Sword "Prequel" Manga Pages:
If you didn't realize, the Page Reader Dark Horse gave to Kotaku to post allows you to save the Manga pages without any watermark or text on SOME of them, because the image, text, and watermark are often on different layers. So if you want to make avatars from them, just go to that link and save the images off of it. It's not perfect, but maybe you'll find the image you like. You can either right click on them, or just drag them to your desktop. Just don't ask me how to do it on a Mac.

That promotional manga Akira Himekawa did for the Chinese release of Ocarina of Time 3D got printed into a little book. It happened just a little while back, but I didn't notice it until now. If you're a collector, it might be fun to track down!

Info for it can be found on their site:'s%20new!/index%20.html

Again, if you would like to read it, it was translated into English by the Zeldanime gang.

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