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Sunday, March 19, 2023

High Res Barcode Battler Card Art and Hyrule Fantasy Envelope Art

The Zelda collector Linksliltri4ce has been so amazing to me over the years! She just sent me all of the Barcode Battler cards, and 2 little envelopes with un-scanned images, so that we can all have incredible high res scans of some really unique and rare art! Find the Barcode Battler cards in the Link to the Past Album and the envelopes here and here. I can not thank her enough for everything she does for me and this community. Check out her site and the plushies she makes!

We are still missing an envelope with Link playing the flute. If you have it, could you send me a scan? If you want to sell or trade it, please contact Linksliltri4ce

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