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Sunday, March 19, 2023

Hyrule Fantasy Bandai Board Game Art!

This is a really beautiful little board game that was produced by Bandai in 1986.
While I have this, and plan to make bigger scans at a later date, I wanted to upload the art for people to enjoy and also so myself, and everyone else, can keep track of what we have and what is missing. You can find the scans in the Zelda 1 Art Album.

Amazing cleaning and editing done by: Alberto Vitali 

I did a 2nd pass on the map and cover to remove some more text.

Scanned by an anonymous donor and sent to Derrick and Bludd at

If you would like to learn more, or play this game, you can find it here:

If you would like to play other pysical Zelda games, check out this link:

And here is an absolutely beautiful Hyrule Fantasy (Zelda 1) map from the same Bandai board game that I just posted. This set has incredible art. I'll make higher res scans at a later date but this was mainly cleaned by Alberto Vitali & then I did some too:


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