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Saturday, December 30, 2023

Scans of A Link to the Past Manga by Noboru Sakaoka and Mario-kun by Hiroshi Takase

This has never been online before. I just 2400dpi scanned & uploaded this 8 page Zelda: Link to the Past 神々のトライフォース manga by Noboru Sakaoka 坂丘のぼる from Shogaku Ninensei, February 1992. Find it here.

This is probably my favorite panel from it:

I have also uploaded 1200dpi RAWS for the Mario (Mario-kun) comic and content (including a cool little pyramid cut-out) by Hiroshi Takase that was in this issue. You can find the zip for that download here.

Other Keywords: Zelda, LoZ, tLoZ, RAW, RAWS, scan, scans, high res, high rez, high resolution, Link, Princess Zelda, Ganon, Triforce, Hyrule, Nintendo, SNES, Super Famicom, videogame, magazine, kids, child, aLttP, Lttp, A Link to the Past, The Legend of Zelda, The Legend of Zelda, ゼルダの伝説, Link to the Past, 神々のトライフォース, Magazine, Art

Scans of the Color Pages of the First Ever Zelda Manga, Hyrule Fantasy by Ran Maru

I never thought I'd even be able to see this, it's that rare. I have found, & 2400dpi scanned, the color pages of the very first issue of the very first Zelda manga ever. They're only in black & white in the collected volume. The color is spectacular.

This is the 1st chapter of the Hyrule Fantasy: The Legend of Zelda manga by Ranmaru from the June 1986 issue of Wanpakku monthly comic magazine. It has several two-color pages. They are all stunning. Find the whole volume, and a link to the English translation, here.

Other Keywords: The Legend of Zelda, Manga, Hyrule Fantasy, Zelda 1, ゼルダの伝説, Magazine, Zelda, LoZ, tLoZ, RAW, RAWS, scan, scans, high res, high rez, high resolution, Link, Princess Zelda, Ganon, Triforce, Hyrule, Nintendo, NES, Famicom, Family Computer, book, videogame, magazine, kids, child, ゲームブック, コミック雑誌

I've only scanned the Zelda section but if you would like scans or photos of any of the other parts of this volume, please let me know at The table of contents is included at the end.

Scans of Laputa, Castle in the Sky, Labyrinth of Heaven Gamebook

This was scanned and donated by Сергей Посниченко, @sergeithesage on Twitter. It's not Zelda related but there are so many fans of both series in the same bubble that it feels like it fits here well enough. Raws and lightly cleaned files are at this link.

Please let us know if there is a translation of this or just go ahead and translate it! People would love to read it!

ボードゲーム ゲームブック 「天空の城ラピュタ」 天界の迷
Laputa: Castle in the Sky, Labyrinth of Heaven | Celestial Labyrinth | Lost in the Heavens
Published by: Tokuma Shoten
Collection: Animage Bunko "JuJu" | AMJuJu
Author: Daisuke Sato
Illustrator: Yuki Hisa Fujita
Original Story: Miyazaki Hayao

Other Keywords: CYOA, Choose Your Own Adventure, Book, Novel, Books, Laputa, Studio Ghibli, Pazu, Sheeta, Dola, Muska, Art, Illustrations, Art,

Scans of Triforce of the Gods World Guidebook Strategy Guide


I just high-res scanned and uploaded another retro guide for The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, find the 1200-2400dpi RAW and lightly cleaned files at this link. I also added the art to the flickr gallery.

The Legend of Zelda Triforce of the Gods World Guidebook
ゼルダの伝説, 神々のトライフォース, ワールドガイドブック

C2055 and P1200E
Published by Taishubo Co.
Also called "Continental Shobo"

Other Keywords: The Legend of Zelda, Link to the Past, Strategy Guide, 神々のトライフォースZelda, tLoZ, LoZ, aLttP, Lttp, A Link to the Past, The Legend of Zelda, SNES, 600ppi, 1200ppi, RAW, RAWS, scan, scans, high res, high rez, high resolution, Link, Ganon, Princess Zelda, Hyrule, Nintendo, book, videogame, Nintendo Power, Strategy Guide, Game Guide, Map, Maps,

Map Gallery and New 2400dpi Map Scans and Repairs

I needed to get someone some images for a time-sensitive project they're doing so I've been adding old strategy guide maps to the gallery for Zelda: A Link to the Past. This gallery on Flickr will also have all of the Zelda maps and "world scenes" that I've been able to get to so far. There's some pretty good ones in there already and A LOT more to come. Some of these also need to be cleaned up (like the dungeon maps for LttP) but me, and the ever wonderful and talented Olga, have gotten some of them done. Specifically the overworld. I did the 2 from this "Continental Shobo" guide, and she cleaned up the 2 big maps of the Light World and Dark World from The Zelda Handbook. What she accomplished was an utterly massive amount of work when you realize how many of the buildings and details were nearly completely covered by text and how much detail the seam in the middle needed to be fixed:

By the way, these haven't really been online before. There was one bad set of full-book scans on that is now missing but no one ever got good images online or cleaned them up. So this is very likely the first time you are seeing them. Give them a look, they're great.

I'm back to working on things as I can

I'm slowly working on getting back to people. I'm doing one thing at a time, so I do them right, and I'm trying to find a balance of doing them in the order of which they came in and urgency.

If you've been following on Twitter you know that I had a double mastectomy to prevent breast cancer this year, and it turned out doctors had missed I actually had breast cancer. This happened while caretaking for my mom who was dying of cancer, and then she passed away. And that fucking sucks because my mom was such an incredibly special person. Then my grandma passed away. I'm in charge of both of their estates and for some reason that is vastly more work than one would imagine. I'm also going to need another major surgery because I grew a bunch of fibroids (lady-junk issues) causing me to be severely anemic for a few months now.

I also got diagnosed with Addison's Disease late last year. It's an autoimmune disorder where body kills your adrenal glands and you no longer make some of the hormones necessary for life. If you hear people say they can't function because they have "adrenal fatigue" it's like the severe version of that. It makes you horrifically fatigued and foggy headed. The good news is that you can just take the hormones you don't make but the bad news is is that the amount you need changes based on stress, sleep, environmental temperature, etc, and you kind of just have to guess if you need more. (Too much is bad for you as well.) There is no way to measure it outside of how you start to feel a few hours after you realize you needed more. It also means I don't really have a functioning immune system because it makes it so your T-cells don't want to fight infections, (even if you are taking the right amount of hormones your body simply doesn't act the same when you can't produce them yourself, as needed,) most specifically lung infections, and the hormones you have to take for it are also immunosuppressants: Double whammy. So I'm pretty much the boy in the bubble now. It's also going to make the upcoming surgery more risky for several reasons. I really wish hospital staff had to wear masks around people like me. You can ask but then you wake up from surgery and like half of them aren't wearing them any more.

I also just bought a house, which I've been dreaming of doing for a very long time now, and I was hoping it was move in ready so I could go and be closer to a good hospital and get the surgery I need... But it turns out the inspector missed it was absolutely coated in black mold and all that above means it will just kill me if I try to live in it. So, yeah, trying to figure that one out right now and all I can say is's been a year.