Tuesday, January 29, 2013

My Hyrule Historia Just Arrived! Some Differences: (Updated)

This is my personal copy and the other 2 that I bought as prizes for the Zelda Fanart Calendar Contest I hold every year: Check out the calendar we made this year. And come back soon to find out what the next one will be!

And they're GOOD differences. Anyone who likes the art will love this.

#1 Yes, it is quite a bit bigger. Here's a comparison with the Japanese version:

#2 My hopes came true: THE PRINT QUALITY IS BETTER! Only slightly, but it's still more clear. And yes, the images are larger. (I had already pointed out how that was going to be the case, but in case you missed the post I made about that ages ago, consider it confirmed ;) And, if you know me, you know what this means.

(Also, this is not the best picture. When I do a comparison review tonight or tomorrow I'll have better images.)

#3 Here's the edge of the book. It's not a big deal but, I don't think I've seen a picture of that yet, so I wanted to include it.

Mine came from Amazon, I have Prime: it was the 2 day shipping. The TFAW order is where my LE will hopefully come from, it has not shipped yet. And, like I said, I'm going to go do a write up and make some better images as soon as I can :)

(SO EXCITED! /Dies. It's like a dream!)

Small update I promised a few people: I just got the email from TFAW that says they'll be shipping soon. Both the regular and Limited Edition versions. Could be going out in 1-3 business days.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Tumblr "Ask" Blogs

I just wanted to bring more attention to this thread I started, I know I need to go through it and update it SO: if you know of other "Ask" blogs, please help me by adding to the list.

Source: http://melorasworld.com/zelda/theforest/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=880
Please (!) help me add to this list :3 Just leave links as comments, it's okay if it's your own!
It must have SOME content. Ones that are no longer updated are fine to add but, if one has been completely deleted, please let me know. Blogs with OCs are welcome to be added only if they are in a blog staring canon a character(s) as well.


Skyward Sword:
TP, Oot & Cross Game Mixes:
Chibi-ish Games:
Other Games:

They're loosely organized by character name:

Ask Agitha: http://askagitha.tumblr.com/
Ask Anju: http://ask-anju.tumblr.com/

Ask Beedle: http://ask-beedle.tumblr.com/
Ask (Pirate Captain) Bellum: http://ask-hylian-bellum.tumblr.com/
Ask Bucha (the Kikwi Elder): http://askbuchathekikwielder.tumblr.com/

Ask Cawlin: http://ask-cawlin.tumblr.com/
Ask the Cucco: http://ask-thecucco.tumblr.com/

Ask Demise: http://askdemise.tumblr.com/
Ask Dokumi: http://askdokumi.tumblr.com/

Ask Eagus: http://ask-eagus.tumblr.com/
Ask Epona: http://ask-epona-the-horse.tumblr.com/
ASk Ezlo: http://askezlo.tumblr.com/

Ask Fado: http://askfado.tumblr.com/
Ask Faron: http://askfaron.tumblr.com/
Ask Farore: http://askfarore.tumblr.com/
Ask Fi: http://ask--fi.tumblr.com/
Ask Fi (Spirit of the Sword): http://spiritofthesword.tumblr.com/
Ask Fi (The Sword Spirit): http://asktheswordspirit.tumblr.com/
Ask Fi (Goddess of the Sword): http://ask-goddess-sword-fi.tumblr.com/
Ask (Badass) Fi: http://ask-badassfi.tumblr.com/
Ask (Dark) Fi (Fa): http://ask-notfi.tumblr.com/
Ask Fledge: http://askfledge.tumblr.com/
Ask (Female) Fledge: http://ask-female-fledge.tumblr.com/

Ask Ganondorf: http://askganondorf.tumblr.com/
Ask Ganondorf: http://askganon.tumblr.com/
Ask Ganondorf (the Dark Lord of All) http://theganondorf.tumblr.com/
Ask (Mr. Dragmire) Ganondorf: http://ask-mr-dragmire.tumblr.com/
Ask (Dark Lord) Ganondorf: http://ask-ganondorf.tumblr.com/
Ask (the Gerudo King) Ganondorf: http://ask-king-of-the-gerudos.tumblr.com/
Ask Ganon's (Asscheeks): http://ganons-ass.tumblr.com/
Ask Ganondorf (Old Man Ganny): http://askganny.tumblr.com/
Ask (Gay) Ganondorf: http://askgayganondorf.tumblr.com/
Ask Ganondorf Dragmire: http://ask-ganondorf-dragmire.tumblr.com/
Ask (Wind Waker) Ganon: http://askwwganondorf.tumblr.com/
Ask the Great Deku Tree: http://ask-the-great-deku-tree.tumblr.com/
Ask the Great Fairy: http://askqueenofairies.tumblr.com/

Ask the Happy Mask Salesman: http://dem-masks.tumblr.com/
Ask the Happy Mask Shop: http://hylianmaskhunter.tumblr.com/
Ask Hena: http://ask-henathefisher.tumblr.com/
Ask (Instructor) Horwell: http://ask-instructor-horwell.tumblr.com/
Ask Hylia (the goddess and protector of time): http://askhylia.tumblr.com/

Ask Ilia: http://askilia.tumblr.com/
Ask Impa: http://impa-sheikah.tumblr.com/
Ask Impa (Servent of the Goddess) http://askssimpa.tumblr.com/
Ask Impa (the Sheikah): http://askimpathesheikah.tumblr.com/

Ask Japas: http://ask-japas.tumblr.com/

Ask Kaepora Gaebora: http://askkaepora.tumblr.com/
Ask Kafei: http://askchildkafei.tumblr.com/
Ask (Adult) Kafei: http://adultkafei.tumblr.com/
Ask Karane: http://karanes-corner.tumblr.com/
Ask (Lady) Karane: http://ask-lady-karane.tumblr.com/
Ask Karane: http://askkarane.tumblr.com/
Ask Keaton: http://askkeaton.tumblr.com/
Ask Kina: http://ask-lumpy-pumpkins-kina.tumblr.com/
Ask Komali: http://askprincekomali.tumblr.com/
Ask Kikiel: http://askkukiel.tumblr.com/

Ask Lanayru: http://ask-lanayru.tumblr.com/
Ask Laruto:http://ask-laruto.tumblr.com/
Ask (Captain) Linebeck: http://ask-captainlinebeck.tumblr.com/
Ask Linebeck: http://linebeckofthesea.tumblr.com/
Ask (Link's Red) Loftwing: http://ask-links-loftwing.tumblr.com/

Ask Majora: http://askmajora.tumblr.com/
Ask Majora's Mask: http://ask-majorasmask.tumblr.com/
Ask Mallara: http://askmallara-the-mom.tumblr.com/
Ask Medli: http://ask-medli.tumblr.com/
Ask Mido: http://ask-mido.tumblr.com/
Ask Morpha: http://ask-morpha.tumblr.com/

Ask Nabooru: http://ask-nabs.tumblr.com/
Ask (the Sage of Spirits) Nabooru: http://dem-silver-gauntlets.tumblr.com/
Ask Navi: http://askteenagenavi.tumblr.com/
Ask Navi: http://thelegendofnavi.tumblr.com/
Ask Niko: http://top-swabbie.tumblr.com/

Ask Oolo (the Kikwi): http://ask-oolo.tumblr.com/
Ask Ordona: http://ask-ordona.tumblr.com/
Ask (Instructor) Owlan: http://askinstructorowlan.tumblr.com/
Ask (Instructor) Owlan: http://instructorowlan.tumblr.com/

Ask Peatrice: http://ask-peatrice-bankteller.tumblr.com/
Ask the Phantom: http://ask-the-phantom.tumblr.com/
Ask (Literally) Pipit: http://literallypipitirl.tumblr.com/
Ask (Flirty) Pipit: http://askflirtypipit.tumblr.com/
Ask (Pocket) Pipit: http://askpocketpipit.tumblr.com/
Ask (Good Guy) Pipit: http://askgoodguypipit.tumblr.com/
Ask Pipit: http://askpipit.tumblr.com/
Ask (Female) Pipit: http://askfempipit.tumblr.com/
Ask the Poe Collector: http://askpoecollector.tumblr.com/
Ask the Poe Sisters: http://sisters-of-poe.tumblr.com/
Ask the Postman: http://ask-the-postman.tumblr.com/

Ask (Prince) Ralis: http://the-young-fish-prince.tumblr.com/
Ask Renado: http://ask-renado.tumblr.com/
Ask Romani: http://ask-romani.tumblr.com/
Ask Ruto: http://askruto.tumblr.com/
Ask (Dark) Ruto: http://askdarkruto.tumblr.com/
Ask (Zora Princess) Ruto: http://ask-zora-princess.tumblr.com/
Ask (Princess) Ruto: http://princess-ruto-zora.tumblr.com/

Ask Saria: http://asksaria.tumblr.com/
Ask Saria: http://ask-saria.tumblr.com/
Ask Saria (Kokiri): http://saria-kokiri-girl.tumblr.com/
Ask (Adult) Saria: http://ask-adult-saria.tumblr.com/
Ask Shad: http://ask-shad.tumblr.com/
Ask Sheik: http://asksheik.tumblr.com/
Ask (Dark) Sheik: http://askdarksheik.tumblr.com/
Ask Sheik: http://sheikofthesheikah.tumblr.com/
Ask the Silent Guardians: http://askthesilentguardians.tumblr.com/
Ask Sparrot: http://asksparrot.tumblr.com/
Ask Strich: http://ask-insect-lover-strich.tumblr.com/

Ask Talon: http://ask-talon.tumblr.com/
Ask Tatl: http://asktatl.tumblr.com/
Ask Tatl (the Fairy): http://ask-tatl.tumblr.com/
Ask Telma: http://ask-telma.tumblr.com/
Ask (Pirate) Tetra: http://ask-pirate-tetra.tumblr.com/
Ask Tetra: http://asktetra.tumblr.com/
Ask Tingle: http://tingletinglekooloo-limpah.tumblr.com/

Ask Vaati: http://ask--vaati.tumblr.com/
Ask Vaati: http://askgufu.tumblr.com/
Ask Vaati: http://askvaati.tumblr.com/
Ask (Señor ) Vaati: http://senorvaatisays.tumblr.com/
Ask (the Lady) Volvagia: http://askladyvolvagia.tumblr.com/

Ask Zant: http://askzant.tumblr.com/
Ask Zephos (Holy Priest of Hylia): http://the-priest-of-hylia.tumblr.com/

Thank go to all the creators and to Flor O. for giving me a billion links to add to this list, everyone who left an ask below, and to http://askzeldaofskyloft.tumblr.com who also helped fill some missing parts in with their master list.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Hyrule Historia UK orders have been shipping

Congrats to you in the UK! The rest of us schlubs are probably going to have to wait until the 29th for both versions of the book to be sent out. If I hear otherwise: know that I'll be continuing to update with news on our (long outdated name) Facebook page for the book: NoA-Please-bring-us-Hyrule-Historia-in-English

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Hyrule Historia Goodies

Like I mentioned in my last post, I haven't really been around: so allow me to post a few things from Darkhorse about Hyrule Historia- Which is set to be released in a few days!

1: Here's an interview they did with Glitterberri: http://www.darkhorse.com/Blog/1259/translating-legend-interview-aria-tanner

2: Here's a contest for Zelda guest bloggers they were/are? holding: http://www.darkhorse.com/Blog/1239/zelda-fans-guest-blog-request

3: Here's the introduction of the book, by Miyamoto, in English: http://www.darkhorse.com/Blog/1254/25th-anniversary-legend-zelda-shigeru-miyamoto

4: Here are some of the concept art pages posted in English: http://www.darkhorse.com/Books/Previews/20-921?page=1

5: The Nintendo World Store is having a Hyrule Historia event. As I've stated before, they should be getting copies... So, if you don't have a copy reserved yet, or you don't have a copy of the LIMITED EDITION,  show up at their party in NYC!

--And to think that I use to live only 30 minutes away ...bummer! 

Anyway, info is on the "Events" section of their site (it's flash, so I can't direct link) so check their site again before you show up, but this is what it says at the moment:
Join us in an epic adventure January 25th from 6pm to 8pm as we celebrate the launch of The Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Historia. This amazing hardcover containing an unparalleled collection of historical information on The Legend of Zelda franchise will be available for sale during event hours only. Published in both standard and limited edition formats, Nintendo World is the only location in North America to have the limited edition available for purchase, as part of this special pre-release event. Pre-orders are still available on a first come first serve basis. There will also be a costume contest and other activities for all to enjoy. Join us for this special quest that no Zelda fan can miss! The official launch date for the book is January 29th for those unable to attend the event.
And if you need to know what subway lines to take to get there, that's on their site as well

I have to run! ~Enjoy!

Newly Found Old-School Zelda Art That's To Die For

Actually, it was posted by the content blog oldtypenewtype about 3 months ago but, as you can tell, I haven't been around (apologies for that are due as well.) But, seriously, if you know me at all, you know how I'm in heaven right now. I mean, this kind of art is the reason I built History of Hyrule over 10 years ago.


Haruhiko Mikimoto illustration of Link & Zelda for the Famicom review of Legend of Zelda in the 6/1986 Newtype."

If you would like to see the original posts, you can go here and here for them: Link and Zelda and Link in Action.

Thanks go, once again, to Cavalier, for pointing me towards awesomeness.

By the way, read some of Cavalier’s writing if you haven’t. He helps with the manga and doujinshi localizations on the site, making rough translations a thing of beauty.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Emails About the Prizes Went Out & PRIZES!

If you were one of the 12 main picks for the calendar, check the email you used to submit to the contest. The 2nd Figma Link figurine arrived so I did the lottery drawing for the prize selection order. I let you know which number you drew, and thus what order you will get to select from the remaining prizes. If you didn't receive something from me, just let me know. (Since it may be an issue of emails not getting through, check your spam mail -with words like "contest" in the email, it might be filtered out- you can also try to reach me here on blogger, on my DA account, or on Facebook in this case.) And thank you again guys!

Since I never really got to update the forum thread with the contest info (because the prizes weren't all here, so I didn't confirm them until I was sure they'd show up) this is what was available this year. Next year (or this year's! Holy crap it's 2013!) should be even better *crosses fingers* The first year's contest prizes were pretty sweet!

Also, I still plan on making a post, a few posts, about other pieces. That's really important to me: there were so many wonderful ones and I wanted to talk about them. Before Christmas I was very scattered, and then out guests arrived: so I promptly caught a bad flu... which brings us to today! But I feel very bad about it because it's something I've wanted to do, it's something I feel is very important.

Anyway, here's what was goodies there were this year! Not counting the 4 participation prizes that were given out :3 That consisted of another copy of the Japanese Hyrule Historia, an English copy of Hyrule Historia, and 2x Link plushies and practice Ocarina's with Zelda songbooks!

Prize 1:
Japanese copy of Hyrule Historia

(Collector's item at this point, for those of you who haven't followed along insanely closely I feel like I shoudl explain or this will look odd: I didn't know they'd be releasing it in English at the time. I got these reserved for the contest when they were still selling out and seemed to be a limited edition: Which seemed like quite a feat. I was so excited I could offer them. I bought most of the prizes early in the year. If I had more money, I'd include an English copy with these. But I can't afford it T_T)

Prize 2:
(Another) Japanese copy of Hyrule Historia

Prize 3:
(ANOTHER) Japanese copy of Hyrule Historia

Prize 4:
These Six Figurines (from Various Games)

Includes Link and Zelda from Skyward Sword, Young Link and Yound Zelda from Ocarina of Time 3D, and Link and Tetra from Phantom Hourglass.

Prize 5:
Map of Hyrule by Mudron
(Not official, but quite awesome regardless)
24 X 36-inch print on premium matte stock. More details can be found here.

Prize 6:
Box Set of the 10 Akira Himekawa Manga (English Language Version Only)

This includes Ocarina of Time vol 1 & 2, Majora's Mask, Four Swords 1 & 2, Oracle of Seasons, Oracle of Ages, The Minish Cap, A Link to the Past, and Phantom Hourglass.

Prize 7:
"Ocarina of Time-like" Professional Quality Ocarina (With Zelda Song Books and Playing Instructions)

A 12-hole Alto Ocarina, it has more of a range and is bigger than the old prize. It's also green with a Triforce on it, and has a nifty little pouch to protect it. (Being donated by Fenrisfang!)

Prize 8:
"Saria" Ocarina (With Zelda Song Books and Playing Instructions)

It's from Song Bird Ocarina;s, so the quality is very good. It's ceramic brown, and the green inlay is very nice looking. It comes with the suede carrying case.

Prize 9:
The Five Phantom Hourglass Figurines:

Prize 10:
A Skyward Sword Link figurine by Figma

Here's what it includes: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151324479240610.520490.306059985609&type=1

Prize 11:
Another Skyward Sword Link figurine by Figma
He's what held us up. But I think he was worth the wait.

Prize 12:
A cute, small, 4 hole ocarina and song book

It's a ceramic ocarina by Song Bird, and is actually a very nice sounding instrument.


OR:  a 12 month individual account DeviantART subscription can be substituted for any prize. :)

Edit: I fixed the images, sorry about that!

Monday, December 31, 2012

The Free 2013 Zelda Calendar (UPDATE)

Happy New Year! It's finally done: Just print it out and you're all set for 2013!
Thank you again to all the amazing artist's who participated to make this happen!

  • Here's the .zip with the individual pages as files: 18 Megs
  • Here's the .pdf, if that makes printing even easier for you: 23 Megs
  • Here's a smaller, lower quality, .pdf for people who don't have fast connections: 4 Megs

You can also download the .zip it on my DeviantART account.
Let me know if you have any trouble with those, or if you spot any errors. I had to shorten some of the original descriptions by the artists so they'd fit the template, so be sure to check out the original pieces for the full ones! They're great.

Sorry it took me so long to get this posted. I got it done a while ago but I wanted to double check it; then I got the flu, which prevented me from getting on the computer.

Remember, you can make your own version using the blank template and any of the spectacular 250+ entries! 

Thursday, December 13, 2012

The Last Participation Prize for This Year

So, here goes the lottery drawing for the last Participation Prize!

BAM. This was the list, and Julieta it is! Congrats~! I'll be writing you soon to see what you want! ♥ & I'll try to get the actual calendar made, and added, soon so every one can have it for next year.

Newly Released Himekawa Art and Publication, Plus: Blank Manga Pages

Thanks Feri, for letting me know about this piece. You rock!

So, for those of you who didn't know, Akira Himekawa did the "Stained Glass Windows" official art for the Wind Waker. Proof is here: http://historyofhyrule.com/publications/manga_lttp_re_bonus/011.html

And they JUST posted this picture online. (10 year WW celebration) It's another one of their sketches in that style, and this is what they had to say about it:


(Anyone want to give an accurate translation?) It's so cute, enjoy!

If you would like to see more of Akira Himekawa's sketches and random Zelda art, please visit our album for it on Facebook.

Blank Skyward Sword "Prequel" Manga Pages:
If you didn't realize, the Page Reader Dark Horse gave to Kotaku to post allows you to save the Manga pages without any watermark or text on SOME of them, because the image, text, and watermark are often on different layers. So if you want to make avatars from them, just go to that link and save the images off of it. It's not perfect, but maybe you'll find the image you like. You can either right click on them, or just drag them to your desktop. Just don't ask me how to do it on a Mac.

That promotional manga Akira Himekawa did for the Chinese release of Ocarina of Time 3D got printed into a little book. It happened just a little while back, but I didn't notice it until now. If you're a collector, it might be fun to track down!

Info for it can be found on their site: http://www.himekawaakira.com/02what's%20new!/index%20.html

Again, if you would like to read it, it was translated into English by the Zeldanime gang.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

88 copies of the Limited Edition Hyrule Historia left on The RightStuf

Hurry if you want one, they're going to go fast: HERE!

(but still check any of the stores that actually had copies, sometimes they'll put a few back up for sale. Maybe it's when someone was holding them but canceled the order.)

For perspective, it was only added to their shop today. I really do hope you were able to get a copy. 

Remember, I love nothing more than I love this book: So I will be diligently posting any news about it. If blogger isn't convenient for you, you can follow us on our Facebook group, and I also run the Hyrule Historia Localization Effort; which is a great place to be if you want to stay very current on any news regarding it.