I'm trying to figure out who all of the artist's are. As in: matched with their actual art. This is just going to be a reference sheet for me while I work on this project.
Nintendo Power Volume 1: July-August 1988
- https://nintendo.fandom.com/wiki/Nintendo_Power_V1
- https://archive.org/details/Nintendo_Power_Issue001-Issue127/Nintendo%20Power%20Issue%20001%20July-August%201988/
- Hiroyuki Kurano
- Yoshihiro Onmo
- Keizo Kikushima
- Nobuhiro Ohyo
- Adam Eisenberg
- Izumi Takada
- Osamu Kasai (Gekkosha Co.. Ltd.)
- Ryokuju Tsukamoto
- Atsuko Matsumoto
- Noriko Hasegawa
- Yasuhiro Ohori
- K. Iino (or K. lino)
- https://archive.org/details/Nintendo_Power_Issue001-Issue127/Nintendo%20Power%20Issue%20002%20September-October%201988/page/n5/mode/2up
- Hiroyuki Kurano
- Fisherman Orimo
- Ani Orimo
- Izumi Takada
- Osamu Kasai
- Leo Tsukamoto
- Etsuko Kuwahara
- Atsuko Matsumoto
- Noriko Hasegawa
- Desu Iwamoto
- Shugi Shugi Jeff
- https://archive.org/details/Nintendo_Power_Issue001-Issue127/Nintendo%20Power%20Issue%20003%20November-December%201988/page/n3/mode/2up
- Goblin Takagi
- Kaz Aizawa
- Hiro-Con Nagami
- Tomoyuki Fukutome
- Orange Nakamura
- Shuji Imai
- Shinichi Hayashi
- Katsuya Terada
- Makikazu Ohmori
- https://archive.org/details/Nintendo_Power_Issue001-Issue127/Nintendo%20Power%20Issue%20004%20January-February%201989/page/n5/mode/2up
- Shuji Imai
- Orange Nakamura
- Goblin Takagi
- Takao Watanabe
- Hiro-Con Nagami
- Egu Egu Eguchi
- Tomoyuki Fukutome
- Kazunori lihara (Kazunori Aihara?) (Pokemon artist. Would be funny if he did the AoL map)
- Hiroshi Aizawa (Huh... what if he did the AoL Link and Item art and the LttP Item art. (the line weight and style is the same even if his shading and noses changed...) Look up Bump N Jump on page 80, looks like his style
- Yoshimiru Hoshi and Hideaki Itoh have uncredited work in this issue
- Who did the castle and sword art?
- The dungeon level art
- Who did the enemy art
- Who did the link art on page 14
- https://archive.org/details/Nintendo_Power_Issue001-Issue127/Nintendo%20Power%20Issue%20005%20March-April%201989/
- Shuji Imai
- Orange Nakamura
- Hiro-Con Nagami
- Yukio Sawada
- Kazuhiro Kamachi
- Zen Kiyoshi
- Hiroshi Aizawa (Looks exactly like his art on page 23 for Ninja Gaiden, the barbarian, the bomberhead 26, and the little spot illustrations on page 29) Also has the Zelda art though
- Higehige Ohmori
- Who did the castle and sword art?
- The dungeon level art
- Who did the enemy art
- https://archive.org/details/Nintendo_Power_Issue001-Issue127/Nintendo%20Power%20Issue%20006%20May-June%201989/page/n3/mode/2up
- Shuji Imai
- Orange Nakamura
- Hiroko Nagami (Hiro-Con Nagami?)
- Zen Kiyoshi
- Hiroshi Aizawa (Kinda looks like he did the art for Cobra Triangle and definitely Faxanadu: The castle from that matches the castle in his LttP manga. Also looks like he did the art for the TV Link on page 68 and 69)
- Higehige Ohmori
- Tomoyuki Fukutome
- Katsuya Terada
- who did the cute link and zelda on page 21
- https://archive.org/details/Nintendo_Power_Issue001-Issue127/Nintendo%20Power%20Issue%20007%20July-August%201989/page/n3/mode/2up
- Shuji Imai
- Orange Nakamura
- Hiro-Con Nagami
- Kazuhiro Kamachi
- Zen Kiyoshi
- Tatsuya Terada (Katsuya Terada)
- Tomoyuki Fukutome
- https://archive.org/details/Nintendo_Power_Issue001-Issue127/Nintendo%20Power%20Issue%20008%20September-October%201989/
- US Illustration Staff:
- Kaz Aizawa
- Nob-Rin Takagi
- Hiro-Con Nagami
- Japanese Illustration Staff:
- Hideaki Ito (Hideaki Itoh)
- Tatsuya Terada (Katsuya Terada) -Dragon Warrior
- Shuji Imai -Dragon Warrior
- Orange Nakamura
- Makikazu Ohmori
- Hiroshi Aizawa -Might have done some of the Fester's Quest enemies, pg 39. Maybe the Bases Loaded II art, pg 85.
- Kazunori Aihara
- Tomoyuki Fukutome
- Poster Art: Hige-Hige Ohmori
- Who did the dragon warrior map
- who did the dragon warrior border
- who did the Willow map art, pg 61, was it Aihara? It actually has some similar tones and I could see how it could bridge the gap between the AoL map and the LA map
- Link art, page 94. Western comic style.
- https://archive.org/details/Nintendo_Power_Issue001-Issue127/Nintendo%20Power%20Issue%20009%20November-December%201989/page/n3/mode/2up
- Shuji Imai
- Orange Nakamura
- Makikazu Ohmori
- Magician Sasaki
- Kazunori Aihara
- Tomoyuki Fukutome 福留朋之 bio COVER ART COVER ART 2
- Poster Art: Tatsuji Kajita
- Whomever did the willow art, pg 9, I feel like they did the AoL castle and sword art, and something else I can't place my finger on. Maybe they actually did to the LttP map but just actually spent time on it. Wow the map on page 13... is this really old Kazunori Aihara art? That would be a big evolution if so. Maybe I have this wrong. I need to look into the other people for sure. Like it's kind of stiff, I could see it more as Makikazu Ohmori art and who is Tomoyuki Fukutome...
- Super Off Road art, the sketchy overhead art on pg 25 looks relevant. Could be whomever did the sketchy art in the Ultima guide
- Iron Sword Item Art looks relevant, pg 27
- Who did the Shadowgate art pg 58
- who did all the detailed art on pages 84-85
- Who did the map and ramp art on page 66-67, could also be whomever did LttP level maps
- https://archive.org/details/Nintendo_Power_Issue001-Issue127/Nintendo%20Power%20Issue%20010%20January-February%201990/page/n3/mode/2up
- US Illustration Staff:
- Jim Frisino
- Nob-Rin Takagi
- Hiro-Con Nagami
- Japanese Illustration Staff:
- Shuji Imai
- Orange Nakamura
- Makikazu Ohmori (I still think he must have done the Willow art but idk.) Did he do the Astyanax art on page 63? Guessing he did the wild mech art on page 64
- Magician Sasaki
- Kazunori Aihara (I still think he must have done the Willow art but idk.) Could have done the Mario art on page 57
- Poster Art: Yuji Kaida
- Photography: Izumi Takada
- Claymation: Maji Sasaki
- who did the twin cobra art, they probably did the willow art and the AoL map
Visual Design Masako Honma (Manashi) Yuki Kyotani (Yuki) Nagineko
Monster Design Naoya Tomita (Tom-Pon) Hironori Matsumura (Fish Man) Tall Nob (as Tall Nob)