Friday, June 29, 2012

Translated Doujinshi: Change of Gradation

This one was way cuter and way more interesting that I originally thought it would be. As I was editing in the text  I was really getting into it. So, this Zelda doujinshi is Change of Gradation by RengeYa, or Inui. I have seen very little work by this artist and, at a glance, their skills don't seem as developed as some other doujin-ka: but there's a charm and thoughtfulness to this that many other doujinshi are lacking. Incredible thanks must again go to Rinael, she's done so much translating for us~ Just as much thanks to Fox Lee, who did a wonderful job localizing this one~ I cleaned and typeset (not my best job but the translation had been sitting around too long)~ and another huge thanks go to Kyoukankaku for helping translate the first page on short notice. I had missed scanning it and didn't realize that until I was almost done editing. Enjoy!

It's a Twilight Princess True Form Midna x Link Romance. It features Shad, Princess Zelda, and Telma. 41 pages, from 2007.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Help me find an elusive piece of official Skyward Sword art?

I really need the community's help with this:
I'm working on the official art gallery for History of Hyrule (and for my friend's sites if they want it) and I'm so weirded out. I'm usually insanely good when it comes to knowing where to find Zelda art. I can not find this image anywhere and I swear I've seen it at a much higher resolution.. but that was back when I wasn't really online. Does anyone have it? If you do, if you can find it anywhere, please send it to me:

This is the only image of it that I can currently find online. Because of the colors and clarity of it: I believe it looks exactly like the other official art that was released. The super high res stuff that can be found here. It doesn't look like a scan to me. Though I could be wrong. It is small and these kind of colors ...maybe... could have come from a glossy magazine. I have my large scan of it from Hyrule Historia, but they cropped the full image in that and... the colors aren't as nice coming from a scan.

This one came from Zeldapedia:
But it's the same on Zeldawiki:
So I have no idea who or what the actual source is.
And none of the major sites have it in their galleries. I've searched my hard-drive, (and I continue to do so,) I've done goggle searches... I can not find another image of this. I'm desperate with the hope that someone else has it.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

New Doujinshi Added: Tokidoki Dokidoki Tasogaredoki

*laughs* I really wish I knew Japanese- can anyone read the title on this for me?  Tokidoki Dokidoki Tasogaredoki (sometimes - *heartbeat* - twilight time) or (Sometimes During Twilight, My Heart Beats Faster) Thanks for the translation Rinael!

Anyway, I'm currently just calling it Raspberry Stars because it's got raspberry stars on the cover; totally scientific formulas over here. It's a really cute, but short, Zelda doujinshi by Misa and Minato. I don't have a lot of Minato's work on the site, maybe because it's mostly in newer doujinshi, but I really adore her distinct style. Go here to check it out!

In other news I'm going to try to get to contest stuff first, and then I don't know where to start... There are a lot of doujinshi that need to be edited, but I don't know if my arm is well enough for that yet. So I may try to work on the next section of the official art gallery, (Adventure of Link,) or get the publication's section more up to date: There are a lot of doujinshi that we don't have that I've found, that I can add to the un-obtained/scraps section. Plus, Karnella has been extremely helpful in sorting out the info on the artist and finding the doujinka's websites, and I really need to add that info sometime soon.

Monday, June 11, 2012

More doujinshi on the way!

In the coming weeks these will be some things that will be showing up in our collection! Some of them are too new, so we won't be scanning them right away but: know that these will one day be recorded on the site. Again, huge thanks to Joouheika for always sharing! Several of these are hers :3

I'll be adding info for them to the site in the coming days. When that happens, you'll find it on this page.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Caught up on replies for the contest

I'm going to go watch Game of Thrones now; recorded the whole season but haven't seen any of it yet! THAT'S SOME REAL ZELDA DEDICATION!

Basically, if you wrote with a question about the contest, email me again. I didn't get if I haven't replied.

Non-contest emails & replies? I still have a bunch of those to get too though. I suck DX

The fanlisting scripts are still busted: will take care of that tomorrow if I can get to the other replies and translation project stuff first.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

New Doujinshi Added: Empress

I am extremely excited to be able to post this. I've been wanting to see this since I found an image of it on an archived doujinshi seller's website that was no longer in business. It seems to be extraordinarily rare but, thanks once again to the fabulous Joouheika (aka Fuji,) it's no longer lost to the world. I'm so indebted to her for her efforts and how much she shares with all of us.

This is Empress, another stunning Zelda doujinshi by one of my favorite doujinka, Dogstars/Inu Nishimachi.

And, once again, I should remind all of you to check out Joouheika's Tumblr. It's FULL of really awesome translated Zelda web-comics, stuff you will not find anywhere else., enjoy!