Showing posts with label majora's mask. Show all posts
Showing posts with label majora's mask. Show all posts

Monday, November 22, 2021

New High Resolution Scans of the Majora's Mask Koubunsha 4-Koma (Manga)

Here are the 600dpi scans posted on

I've started scanning the 26ish volumes of Legend of Zelda 4-Koma and I'm actually going to post large versions of it, which I usually don't do, but it's only because I think the chances of it having a market to be republished are pretty slim. I'm trying to make sure I support publishers but, also, it's a shame something disappears because it's been unavailable for decades so I'm trying to figure out the balance there.

The Legend of Zelda 4Koma for Majora's Mask, an Anthology Published by Koubunsha. ISBN4-334-80503-5. First Published Date: July 10, 2000

I am super sad these never got popular. They're so awesome! I've had small scans of most of the pages on since 2002-2004 and I haven't even seen so much as a meme from them. And they are so meme worthy! Only 1 out of roughly 26 Zelda 4komas have been translated so, if you would like to translate this, even just sections of it, please go ahead and let me know! 

If you use these pages please always link back to the main website though, so people can find more information and rare materials, or even help me find more!

Here are examples and info on the other 4koma, they're for the games LttP, LA, OoT, MM, WW, OoA, and OoS. I will be scanning them all in the coming weeks: Here's what you can expect to see.

Keywords: Zelda, Legend of Zelda, The Legend of Zelda, ゼルダの伝説, Majora's Mask, Majoras Mask, MM, ムジュラの仮面, manga, comics, RAWS, 600dpi, High Resolution, Scans, 4koma, 4-koma, Yonkoma, 4コマ漫画

Saturday, November 20, 2021

New High Resolution Scans of the Majora's Mask Enix 4-Koma (Manga)

Here are the 600dpi scans posted on

I've started scanning the 26ish volumes of Legend of Zelda 4-Koma and I'm actually going to post large versions of it, which I usually don't do, but it's only because I think the chances of it having a market to be republished are pretty slim. I'm trying to make sure I support publishers but, also, it's a shame something disappears because it's been unavailable for decades so I'm trying to figure out the balance there.

The Legend of Zelda 4Koma for Majora's Mask, an Anthology Published by Enix. ISBN4-7575-0282-6 First Published Date: August 18, 2000

I am super sad these never got popular. They're so awesome! I've had small scans of most of the pages on since 2002-2004 and I haven't even seen so much as a meme from them. And they are so meme worthy! Only 1 out of roughly 26 Zelda 4komas have been translated so, if you would like to translate this, even just sections of it, please go ahead and let me know! 

If you use these pages please always link back to the main website though, so people can find more information and rare materials, or even help me find more!

Here are examples and info on the other 4koma, they're for the games LttP, LA, OoT, MM, WW, OoA, and OoS. I will be scanning them all in the coming weeks: Here's what you can expect to see.

Keywords: Zelda, Legend of Zelda, The Legend of Zelda, ゼルダの伝説, Majora's Mask, Majoras Mask, MM, ムジュラの仮面, manga, comics, RAWS, 600dpi, High Resolution, Scans, 4koma, 4-koma, Yonkoma, 4コマ漫画

Monday, May 3, 2021

No Clip: Amazing resource for screen captures, textures, and art reference.

I'm late to the party and am mostly just posting this here so I don't forget about it again- because it's too amazing. If you need to see a level, or reference a texture, from any of the earlier 3D zelda games, check out It really is a museum. So far it has Skyward Sword, Twilight Princess, Windwaker, Majora's Mask 3D, Ocarina of Time 3D, and Ocarina of Time N64. Thank you so much for creating this, Jasper! I needed to remember a detail on a level in Skyward Sword, a game I can't play because the motion controls cause nerve damage in my arms, and it allowed me to get right to it!

Whole levels

Direct texture download

Screenshot from inside Zelda's room

Gallery Update: Official Art for Majora's Mask mostly complete!

Here's the most complete The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask character, poster, and concept art gallery ever online. Find it here! I just have item art left to do and I will also probably come back and add a single render for each character and enemy, for reference, as well as a few more pieces of Himekawa art, 4koma art, and I may redo some of the Hyrule Histora images. Most of all: Let me know if I'm missing anything.

I also did some re-draws over these characters, that had other characters overlaid on them, so that people could have them as single images for character sheets and the like. I need to redo Romani's hair though. It was 1am when I did that and I'm not happy with it. You'll find high resolution images for them in the gallery

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Majora's Mask 3d? Rumor has it:

Apparently Nintendo is expected to make an announcement tonight on Nintendo Direct about new titles, but not for the WiiU, and then... a Eurpoean game site lists MM 3D for sale and promptly removes it. It's most likely a coincidence, or a joke so evil it was made by the mask itself, ~but I can always hope.

fan-made cover image used for illustrative purposes only

Nintendo Globe via Zelda Universe

Wednesday, April 4, 2012