The Comics and Story Telling Museum SectionWhen the site is open, most of the publication threads will be merged with this section.
Fan Fic's: Just so you know:
- Break them up by chapter
- Add a "next chapter" link to the bottom IF there's more than one. Here's the image for that:
The posts should be titled like:Fanfic: title, chapter (if applicable), and then 'by' the artist's name
Fanfic: Only Half by Pradaloz or Fanfic: Wistfully Yours (Ch1) by TMLHere are the images:The font is Triforce, here: ... iforce.ttfThe title image .psd is here: ... _image.psdThe title image W/sub-text .psd is here: ... ubtext.psdHere's an avatar to use with the img2table code, when the author is
not a member. Link non member's names to this use account:
memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=194Here's the img location for an "indent"
The simplest code for a Fanfic chapter:
The more complicated code for a Fanfic chapter(Feel free to edit it in anyway that you think would be best)
Note: Fanfics and Text:
Italics and
Bold (and most other formatting) do not copy and paste from other sources onto the forum. It's due to the fact that the forum needs it to be in BBCode. This poses a bit of a problem. The way it can be done is the text can be copied into Gmail, the formatting will show up there, and then the tags can be manually added.... but this is a pain in the butt. If anyone comes up with a better way (me included) please share.
This is an idea for "single" chaptersExample:
This is an idea for "multiple" chapters* If something isn't finished, you can have the chapters as
Chapters: 1/? (Unfinished)* But keep in mind, when you receive a new chapter of something, you'll need to go back and update the previous chapter's info and links.
Start: Have
Ch1 in the title
Middle Chapters: Have the
Ch? in the title
viewtopic.php?f=13&t=504(This is the same except for the last lines and the "Chapters: ?/?" part. You can actually just copy the first part from the previous chapter- just remember to change the chapter number)
To Be Continued: Or, if it's not finished but it's the last chapter that we have, use this at the bottom:
Last Chapter: Have the
Ch? in the title
viewtopic.php?f=13&t=512(This is the same except for the last lines and the "Chapters: ?/?" part. You can actually just copy the first part from the previous chapter- just remember to change the chapter number)
Fan Comics/Doujinshi/Fan MangaMore than 3 pages:Don't bother with it: Just mark it for me and I'll add it and do everything that needs to be done. It will need a pub_reader and only I can upload that anyway.
Stand-Alone Comics (3-4ish pages or less)If it's a one-shot comic/very short/something you don't think would be worth putting in a pub reader- then treat it like a regular drawing. Name it normally (you know, something like melora_comic1) and upload it to a folder in the publication's album. Just add all the files as larger images to the actual thread in the forum.
Title it something like: Comic: Title by Name
Comic: The Suicide Link by Aline MendesAnd just put this at the top of the thread:
* If one grows larger than that, like if an artist keeps making more for it, don't bother making other threads- just let me know and I'll take over: To make a pub_reader for it and convert the old thread to something more appropriate.
The Wallpaper and Avatar Museum SectionJust so you know:
- When naming wallpapers- give them an identifier (like fountain or abbreviations like lozmel) and then do _ (underscore) "file dimensions." So, for example: fountain_800x600, fountain_1024x768, fountain_1920x1200 (I tend to put the largest number in the dimensions first- though I screw up sometimes.) That way all the wallpaper variations will be grouped together, and easily found, by name on the server: ... ics/10148/
- When making a thumbnail to represent a wallpaper- they should be 200 pixels wide. (Height doesn't matter.) Name it after the identifier_sample. (fountain_sample)
- When making threads for them: I have it so that people will know when a paper is Widescreen, because a W will be before the size in a post. & when it is standard size, put an S before the size in a post.
- When titling a wallpaper thread, list the number of different wallpapers found in the thread- but not the number of all the different sizes.
- For wallpapers, don't bother with listing more than 3 of each size variation (unless there's a good reason.) So, don't bother with more than 3 standard sizes and 3 wide screen sizes. If people want you to list more, you can tell them it's not worth our server space and really doesn't make much of a difference. People can do their own cropping and post them lower in the thread if they want. It's not up to us to list every size known to man.
- For wallpapers made from Fanart pieces- lock the thread and direct members to the work's main thread. Example: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=111 Also include this in the top of the post:
Wallpaper Template for ONE large paper (with 3 links to other sizes.) Example:
viewtopic.php?f=15&t=110(Delete what you don't use. Make sure you list the correct sizes and put an S in front of the sizes if they're Standard size, and a W if they're widescreen. This goes for the titles as well)
The titles should be: For Standard sizes: "Artist's Name": (WP:Sx1) "Identifier"
For Widescreen Sizes: "Artist's Name": (WP:Wx1) "Identifier"
For both Sizes: "Artist's Name": (WP:W&Sx1) "Identifier"
Wallpaper Template for Groups! Example:
(just duplicate the table for each new addition. Add the
The titles should be: For Standard sizes: "Artist's Name": (WP:Sx#) "Identifier"
For Widescreen Sizes: "Artist's Name": (WP:Wx#) "Identifier"
For both Sizes: "Artist's Name": (WP:W&Sx#) "Identifier"
AvatarsI usually title these the normal way: With the artist's name first, _, then either a small title/identifier with numbers after. You know: melora_fight01, melora_fight_02. I would put them in threads by group/set.
Use the
AIMG tag for each "
Ge": Unlike a regular IMG tag, the AIMG tag only requires the file's name. It has code that sources directly from the avatar's album. ...Which is located here:* If you don't put a "space" in-between each AIMG tag: you'll be left with extra room at the end of the row.
* Avatar artists NEED to have their avatar usage/permission information in their bio thread. People need to know if, where, and how, they're allowed to use avatars~ Since, unlike wallpapers, they're usually made with the understanding that people will be using them somewhere very public.
This is for the post-header information:Title: Should be artist's name : "Avatars" (dimensions) identifier
Melora: Avatars (100x100) The Old Set
So, there's a couple of different
Avatar Table templates. I made them so you guys can pick what you think works best. Right now:
3: One is made so it's 3 100x100 images wide
4: One is made so it's 4 100x100 images wide
5: One is made so it's 5 100x100 images wide